track power dip

Posted a while back when my son inherited his grandfather’s postwar Lionel trains (2037 loco/tender, 4 freight cars, RW transformer) and we set up the comparatively modest set on the basement floor. Have since graduated to a 6X8 layout, with a 14 guage bus wire under the benchwork connected to a ZW and 18 guage feeders at seven junctures around the track plan. Four turnouts, two bumpers, no other accessories connected as of yet. In the interim, picked up on the cheap a 1055 Texas Special loco (runs OK), along with three 2440 Pullmans (1946). As I said, a very modest layiut (though I’m a little higher on the learning curve than when I started a year ago).

Each of the two locos runs fine by itself around the track, which conforms to the design shown on link, second from top: (note the trestle set). However, once rolling stock or any of the passenger cars is added (the latter are’re lighted, so they obviously draw power in addition to increasing the pulling load) to either the steamer of the diesel, they can barely make it up the grade in either direction of the loop. I triple-checked all the tubular track connections as well as wiring.

So my question is this: would I need to add even more feeder wires at the grades to compensate for the decrease in track power? I would have thought that a ZW transformer obviates such problems, but evidently not. I imagine one of you experts out there will set me straight. Many thanks for any help you can give a DIY guy.

I’d say go with more feeder wires since you’ve determined the track isn’t the problem. Lighted cars will rob power (for lack of a better term) from the track and can affect locomotive performance.

I had the same problem with my passenger loop, at the far end the trains (post-wars) would slow down. An extra feeder solved the problem. And I use an MTH Z-1000.

I would ask what voltage the ZW providing to the layout. Have you checked it for 18 volts? Also most if not all Postwar Lionel engines will need to be powered up to pull up any grade as far as I know. You need to drive them up the climb. So it may not be a power drop at all more so the need for more voltage to pull the grade. I would also bump up the feeders to 14 gauge as well and get rid of the 18.

Best of luck.

Lots of help. Thanks so much!

That’s clarifying. I appreciate the input. Thanks.