track setup

Thanks so much to you all who answsered my email. What a helpful and friendly bunch you all are! The horse world good learn some manners from you folks. We’ll go with the Atlas and will let you all know when the Junction is open! Maureen

I don’t think there is a ready made adapter for this situation, but I am not sure about that. For the most reliable operation, which is important in your situation, I would go with all one brand that fits together well.

My advice is to go with Atlas, its not very expensive and its easy to locate sources plus its a good product.

I wish I could help more but HO track is not my forte. I would like to second the opinion just to go with all one track and the the atlas track is readily available. Still, one can make any track mate together (as long is it the same gauge or width) by shimming up one piece and then cutting off the end of one of each type of track and just butting them together. Finally, run a connection between the modified ends. Solder is best but a wire can also be used.

Finally, we deal mainly with O on this forum, the guys on the model railroad forum are probably better at working with HO track.

Good luck!

Jim H


Welcome aboard !

From your screen name I’d have sworn you were in Washington D.C. not New Mexico. [:D]

I agree with both of the previous comments, don’t mix brands and my preference is also Atlas.

There is a great wealth of advice and support on this forum even though this board is primarily for “O” gauge 3-rail as most of us either have had or currently have other gauges in our closets or on our layouts.

Our sponsor also has another board here that is oriented to the two rail scales, but anybody who likes trains is more than welcome here. [tup]


just thought I’d let you know that we have just laid the FINAL track on our little layout. Thanks again to all who helped and I’ll post some info and our website link as soon as we get to it. Maureen, Jackass Junction , Mountainair NM