im getting ready to replace all my track, and i was wondering what type of track would be best for dcc. i’ve heard good things about peco and also atlas not sure on the turnouts weather they should have insulated frogs or electric ones the track i am replacing is kato unitrak so im fairly new to different types of track, codes, etc. all my trains are n scale kato. any help is appreciated. thanks
The track makes no difference to the signal. The difference, if it is going to be noticeable, is due to mechanical defects in connection, not in the metallurgy or its configuration and shape.
Irrelevant, at least as far as the manufactures you mentioned. They will all perform equally as related to DCC.
The insulated frogs vs hot frogs on turnouts is going to be an issue with either DC or DCC, so in relation to your question irrelevant.
The best type of track for DCC would be made of solid silver [}:)] because that is the best conductor of electricity. Such track would be very bad for other things.
Either will be fine. BUT, good soldering and proper feeder installation will be very important.
As an avid NTRAK’er, I’ve used Atlas and Peco code 80 rail as well as electrofrogs and insulfrog turnouts. All work equally well with DCC. I’ve also got a couple of sections on my modules that have Peco 55 and Micro engineering code 55 traack. It supposed to be against the rules, but no one has had any problem operating on it. I’m also the DCC guy for the club, btw.
We have a new Onetrak division that uses Atlas code 55 track exclusively. These layouts are 100% DCC and no problems have been encountered except occasional rough track work that would stop a train on DC or DCC.
We constructed a layout for the B & O musem that uses Kato Unitrak. That stuff is almost bulletproof.
While any of the tracks and turnouts offered will work equally well on DCC and DC, my personal; favorite for appearance and affordability is Atlas code 55. Micro Engineering code 55 looks very good but the turnouts are like finding hen’s teeth.
Martin Myers