Trackmobile ?

I GOT MINE. It is great! I got the BNSF DCC[:D]

It dose have a little trouble going over insulfrogs but not much, the detail is great and it is much heavier than I expected, it also has realy slow gearing, and I had mine pull 3 walther RD4s on level track but when it hit a slight grade the wheels started to slip. I would say the only con to this trackmobile is the silver pickup tab that goes accros to the wheels but a little paint will help mask it.

lvanhen was right the instruction booklet is great, it is very easy to understand. However it raised a few questions for me.

question 1: On page 3 of the manual under features it says it has a user-replaceable pickup system, they also say that over time it might detoriate and that the replacement part is FDT 9…, sold separately. So my question is, do they mean you can replace it with internal wires or some other upgrade that is not visible and is then an improvment over the silver pickup tabs? or do they mean if it brakes/deteriorate you can replace it yourself?

question 2: on page 5-6 it has decoder details, it says “-All three function outputs have lighting effects generators,” they also say “-select from 15 different lighting effects(mars, strobes, beacons, flicker, etc).” So dose this mean you could put directional lights, beacons, and ditch lights on it and hook it up to the decoder? because that would be so cool!! Here are some pictures I took of it to show the details(sorry for poor quality).


For the record, the FDT model is not based on the 4500 series Trackmobile. Jbinkley60 has a Trackmobile decorated model, and it’s showing a 4850 series reporting mark on its side. Not a big deal per se, but if you look at the photo of the prototype you provided, there is quite a difference in details. You can also see the 4500 series reporting mark on the prototype picture.

Also, the model comes with a #58 Kedee scale coupler, not a #5 coupler as jbinkley60 stated.

My findings: my Trackmobile ™ doesn’t have any trouble running through turnouts, IOW, no stalls or hesitations. I’m using Bachmann EZ track (on the floor mind you), so other than a very noticeable wobble at the frog (track issue, not TM issue), the TM strolls through without problems.

As others have noted, it’s pulling power is very limited. Mine had wheels slipping but still managed to pull 3 hopper cars which consisted of two Accurails and one Atlas. The freight cars I used have metal wheels that are very free-rolling and the cars are weighed to NMRA specs. I really like the model and was impressed with its performance for being so small.

Here’s some prototype info for the Trackmobile:


Thanks for the photos, looks like you were too close to the model, or did not use you cameras’ close up mode. Most should have it.

close up mode?

I’l try that


YOu could have a headlight and ditch lights, but no backup or beacon light. This is because ditch lights take 2 outputs. I assume that you could have the headlight turn off or dim in reverse.

Hi there.

I would also like to ad lights to my trackmobile, does anyone know which solderpads to use? I’m thinking beacon, and headlights


yes, I would also like to know this, also what do you mean by solderpads and where are they and how do you tell the dirfence?



Hi there.

if you demount the decoder, and then look very closely, you will see that the are som solder holes in the board, I just figured that they were ment to conect the lights.


I took the step and made my Trackmobile look like it is actually in use by weathering it:

Nice weathering job Bob!! I’m tossed between weathering or leaving it nice & shiny new!! Maybe I’ll toss a coin[%-)]

I agree with lvanhen, nice weathering job!!

Do you mind me asking, what technique(s) you used on it?



I primed the sliver contact strip running along the bottom of each side with Floquil Foundation, then painted it with Floquil Railbox Yellow. Then added spots of Floquil Roof Brown to simulate old rust/paint chipped off the handrails and here and there. I removed the street tires and painted them Floquil Weathered Black, brushed them with dark rust weathering powder after they were dry. Painted the wheel centers and hubs on the rail wheels Platinum Mist, weathered with Rust. Added weathering powder Rust and Black to ends, couplers. Painted chassis between wheels black. Forget what else!

That trackmobile is a very nice looking model, hopefully the next run will have lights installed.