trackplan (finally)

location:industurial CT somewhere
shelf width:20-24"
Theme:Providence & Worcester switching
note the lack of runarounds–the P&W has locos on either end of the train, so ill take advantage of this for operation.

well, its not too easy to see, but you can get the idea.
the double track NEcorridoor runs from top right (next to the yard) to the bottom left. it just ends there. its entire run will be about 3 inches above the rest of the layout on a retaining wall.
to the far left is where Superior Paper will eventually go. the track runs behind a backdrop to get down to the main level of the layout. (the track comming off the NE corridoor) the descent will start as close as possible to the switch(without interfering with its operation) and end right after the curve in the top left. immedataly after this curve is the cement silos. (on the runaround) the other sidings on the top section of the layout are for a reciciling facility(piles of junk on either side of the track) it then curves under a small city scene. the tracks on the right hand vertical side are for the printing company(near the top) and a propane distubritator. the switching on the curve from the right to the bottom is for a lumber yard.
the main yard will be about 3 and a half feet long, i just ran out of room on the paper.
if it seems a bit dense and switching intensive, thats how i wanted it. i enjoy seeing trains snake their way past sidings and spotted cars and between buildings and stuff.
well, youre welcome to critisize it in whatever you see as nessicary.
ive learned that i can degsine a great N scale layout whenever im trying to do HO,because i alwayse make the sidings too short. is this a fairly common problem?

AS for the problem of making N scale when you are trying to make HO scale, either layout software or HO templates will help you keep the plan to the space. What you have on paper is hard to see and there are no dimensions on the layout. I’m thinking that you have too much track to fit the space, but I honestly can’t tell.

If your layout has a duckunder, I hope you got a strong back and a hard skull! :smiley:

Seriously though, looking forward to photos of your layout… Gotta love Northeast Corridor action with Amtrak Metroliners/Acelas and Metro North commuter trains (Gotta love the P32AC-DMs in New Haven colors!)

the dimentions are 8x10 feet. on my hand drawn plan, the track looks fairly well spaced in my opinion, save some tight corners and #4 switches. is 1/8 inch on 1"=1’ scale far enough apart? my plan is only a rough idea of what ill build, it wont be exact.
you did try clicking on it, right?
now i wont be dissapointed if im going a bit too close to the edge.

I did click. If the dimention is 10 feet, the yard will not fit.

  1. By my count you have 15 sidings, serving 12 industries. Three of which are used as switchbacks - reducing the capacity. On my 6’x12’ industrial layout (L-shape for 32 square feet) I have only managed to cram in 10 sidings serving 9 industries. You might have an advantage with 4 corners instead of just one, or that may be a disadvantage. Either way that is a lot of cramming.

  2. I don’t understand the double switchback on the center LH side. Seems to take more moving space than it adds capacity (especially with the loco at each side scheme). Might be easily fixed with a crossover. In fact, crossovers can create a bunch of space and you might consider them in other places too.

  3. I think adding the NE corridor just for effect is wasting valuable layout space. On the other hand if it was operational…

Gearhead, I recommend downloading Atlas RTS track planning software at

I agree with Mr.Mouse, you are gonna be pushing it for space.

the room dementions are really 11x10, but the main part of the layout is 8x10, with the yard sticking out, kind of a Q shape.
one of my main concernes is that it wont all fit.
thanks, but no thank you dignoix, i just spent the last half hour of my life with trying to figure out how the atlas trackplaning thing works. AAAAAAHHHHHHGGGGGGGG!!![banghead][banghead][banghead][banghead][:(!]
all the computer planning things kicked my @$$ at one point or another in my trackplanning. thats why i did pencil and paper.
looks like ill be doing it again. thanks for the help, i think i can use this to make a good plan.

Any of the software takes some learning. IF you only gave it a half-hour, you quit way too early. Take the time to learn the software. If you don’t you’ll spend a lot more time, money, and be a lot more disappointed when you build and your plan doesn’t work.

XtraCAD has a tutorial that took me a couple evenings to get through. But it is a much more versatile program.

I might be able to comment, but I can’t tell what anything is on that plan. Atlas does take some time to learn, but it would be much easier for us to comment of you had an RTS drawing. If you need some help with RTS, e-mail me and I will try to help.

If using computer software to design you layout is not for you, go to your LHS and buy templates (either HO- or N-scale). That way you can work on paper and be sure the plan is done to scale.