Many of you may already know some or all of this, so this will be for those who don’t, or those who don’t know all of it. Anyways, some years ago, PBS did a few year’s worth of episodes of a series they called “Tracks Ahead”. Each 1/2 hour show had stories about real trains, rail-fanning and model RR’ing. It was a quality production. A lot of the model RR’ing was HO, of course. But a good deal of it was O and S as well. A lot of those episode are now on YouTube. Here is a link:
There is a free tool available to download anything you want - including Tracks Ahead - from YouTube. It is safe to use and gives a true download, not just a screen capture. The files are in mp4 format. A variety of media players will handle them. If your’s doesn’t then you could either download a plug-in for it or download one that does. I personally prefer WinAmp to play my 10,000 selections of mp3 music files in my database, so I downloaded the WinAmp plug-in for mp4 files and it works superbly. Here is a link to that free YouTube downloader tool:
Even in mp4 format, the files take up about 1/2 meg each. I plan on blowing up the files and burning them onto DVD’s which I can then use in my DVD player. You could do that or simply burn the mp4 files onto DVD’s and watch them with your favorite media player on your laptop. Or, you could just watch them on YouTube once or twice and bookmark them for later.
Anyways, I thought there might be some interest on this forum about this.
I’m no IT savvy guy but I was able to download the saver and the show. How many Tracks Ahead programs were produced? Does anyone know? Thanks in advance.
The first icon on the left, “TA Television” gives some details. Apparently, there have been 7 seasons, with an 8th one planned to start in March, 2011. That’s good news!!!
Timboy - Thanks for the link! I started to watch the first one intending to see only a few minutes, but 26 minutes later, well, you know. Just didn’t want to stop. Real enjoyable!
Timboy, Wow thanks for both links! I have downloaded all 41 episodes that are available on YouTube. I have watched a few of them so far and both the model and real trains episodes are GREAT!
Here is a link that shows the titles for each episode. Click on the “grid” for seasons 5 - 7.
I see from the Tracks Ahead website that DVD’s of all the episodes are avialable for purchase, but does anyone know if the first four seasons will ever be available on YouTube?
You’re welcome! I downloaded all of them that I could and am watching them as well. They are real treats! I found it curious that the first four seasons were not YouTube too! Actually, I find it interesting that ANT of them are on YouTube. They have a warning to everyone NOT to upload movies, TV shows, etc. that are not “public domain”. So, I think it’s really only a matter of time until they are taken off.
Timboy, If you look at the origins of the “Tracks Ahead” uploads, they are from the Milwaukee PBS television station that produces the programs along with 100’s of other Milwaukee PBS programs. It looks like the owners of the programs are making them available for free. So I don’t think they will go away any time soon.
Thanks, I had tried that and some segments and trailers are available. The way I read the post it sounded like a large number of full episodes used to be available. Whoever posted the original link has set it to private now. So I guess they are available if you are friends with the user who posted them. I would love to see the Santa Fe piggy back segment from the first season. The DVDs for season one are currently unavailable. And yes I would rather watch them for free if I could than buy them.
Thanks I will check out Hulu. I have that DVD collection and it is great. It seems odd to me that if you get that set in stores (like I did) it does not mention Tracks Ahead. Also it is way cheaper than buying that season of Tracks Ahead.