Tracks into Roundhouse (Need DCC advise)

I am wiring up the tracks coming off the Turntable into and near the Roundhouse (9 tracks total). All my Locos that will be operated on the layout will be DCC equiped. I plan on having 3 of the 9 tracks wired through SPST toggles to be able to cut power to the track enabling me to store and display some antique steam locos (that are not going to be wired for DCC) without having power going through them all the time. So… here is the question. Is there any advantage to having all the roundhouse tracks wired with a cut off toggle? Also is there any reason why a DCC equiped loco should not be left on a live track when it will not be run?


Couple of things spring to mind, sound equipped loco’s (if any) get really annoying left running, and any loco will use a small amount of power even tho not doing anything.

Power usage all adds up, before you know it you may max out your booster.


I would add cut off switches to all the roundhouse tracks.

  • First as Ken stated, a roundhouse full of sound equipped locomotives is annoying, and continues to draw on your booster.

  • Second (and more importantly) you could accidently select a locomotive in the house, and end up crashing through the back wall or into the turntable pit.


Thank you! All very good points. I guess I know what I will be doing tomorrow afternoon and evening…

Several of the people in our operating group also have a toggle on the turntable track proper, the toggle is opposite of the turntable’s power. Their philosopy is that if the turntable is moving the locomotive shouldn’t be. These were all done before sound became common.

Just a thought about using a center off DPDT switch on the stalls with power and “programing track” feeds at opposite ends of the switch. This would give you ability to reprogam a locomotive on up to nine different tracks, turn off power completely, or power it up to move in or out fo the round house. Might give you more flexibility as well as control.

This thread came at a perfect time for me too!! On the HO scale Module I am working on I have four total roundhouse tracks, and I have been trying to figure out if I need to isolate the tracks wired with DCC with a SPST switch or not. Now I know I should. Thanks guys!!!


You can use a rotary switch in the control panel (like the knob is the turntable) to make or break power to the stalls. Simpler look.

If you disable power to the turntable track while it is turning, you won’t hear any idling sounds in DCC. At first thought I wanted to do this, but decided not to.

If you enable programming for stall tracks, be good at it. I’ve had run-aways and want ot change programming from a short siding to a much longer track.

The rotary switch is a great idea! Should look much better on control panel and no
chance of selecting more than 1 track.

Good idea Terry, thanks


I would avoid having multiple programming tracks. If you accidentally leave two tracks on, you could program BOTH locomotives at one.