Trackside Vol. 210: "Nosey" is LIVE

Good morning!

Trackside Vol. 210: “Nosey” (closeup shots of locomotive noses) is live. Go here to view the photos and vote for your favorite:

Be sure to return and comment on your favorite photo! Who portrayed the nose of a locomotive most effectively?


Powie! Right in the nose, Alice!! The only one is reader Don’s UP photo…the rest are all right or left jabs.

Arguably the best contest in a long time. I really liked all of the entries, and I can’t say that very often.

I chose the guest submission (Don D.) simply because it was pretty much ALL nose…and that was the topic.

Tom in Nashville

Too easy to go for one of the steamers. Not that I have anything against them. I actually would love to spend more time around some live steam engines. Unfortunately where I live is not exactly overflowing with opportunities. [:(]

Actually a bit difficult to make a choice as they all have their merits.

Went with Tom’s photo because it stood out as being different. Mainly because of its monochromatic appearance. And I like that the subjects are the same type of loco but the details are very different.

In terms of the steam, I would have gone with David’s “Big Boy” rather than David’s prototype. Mainly because of the angle. Not the usual (which reminds me of a local TV station, PRIME).

This was the best theme, and consequently, the first time I have voted in several months. I have always preferred detail shots over wedge or side shots, but of course, any theme has to be taken in moderation.

The only picture I ruled out after the first viewing was Mike’s. I think it is a rerun, isn’t it? Or was it used to illustrate a story in the magazine? After going through them several more times, I finally voted for Don D’s. photo. It really stirred my imagination, thinking what it would be like to see that engine in action.


I opted for Tom’s. The close framing of the pair of Alco/MLW reminded me of a couple of animals (dogs or cats) sticking their noses into something of interest. The rest were decent interpretations but lacked that little extra.

On that UP 4-12-2 you couldn’t really see the nose through all the facial hair (air pumps)!


Great points all around!

What are some more themes that you all would enjoy seeing in this feature?