Too easy to go for one of the steamers. Not that I have anything against them. I actually would love to spend more time around some live steam engines. Unfortunately where I live is not exactly overflowing with opportunities. [:(]
Actually a bit difficult to make a choice as they all have their merits.
Went with Tom’s photo because it stood out as being different. Mainly because of its monochromatic appearance. And I like that the subjects are the same type of loco but the details are very different.
In terms of the steam, I would have gone with David’s “Big Boy” rather than David’s prototype. Mainly because of the angle. Not the usual (which reminds me of a local TV station, PRIME).
This was the best theme, and consequently, the first time I have voted in several months. I have always preferred detail shots over wedge or side shots, but of course, any theme has to be taken in moderation.
The only picture I ruled out after the first viewing was Mike’s. I think it is a rerun, isn’t it? Or was it used to illustrate a story in the magazine? After going through them several more times, I finally voted for Don D’s. photo. It really stirred my imagination, thinking what it would be like to see that engine in action.
I opted for Tom’s. The close framing of the pair of Alco/MLW reminded me of a couple of animals (dogs or cats) sticking their noses into something of interest. The rest were decent interpretations but lacked that little extra.
On that UP 4-12-2 you couldn’t really see the nose through all the facial hair (air pumps)!