Trackside with Erik and Mike, Vol. 21: December 6, 2004

OH my this was a tough decision, all in all I like them both. But, I voted for Mike’s photo of the UP CW44AC w/ the ex Southern Pacific loco. I love coal drags!!! NICE :slight_smile:

I voted for Mike’s as he stood in the rain, where as Erik in the snow would not get soaked.

As everyone else has said - tough choice! I’m tempted to vote twice, one for each. I love the rain in the headlights. That is worth getting wet for!

Edwin -

Both great pictures but I had to go with Erik’s. The light from the passing train lit up the warbonnet perfectly. I’ve done a lot of time exposures with film, but have never had a digital camera that will do them. Very nice both of you!

Tom Mann

It was a difficult decision, both photographs being of exceptional quality. This is my first time voting, I am living in Tennessee and I’m dying of homesickness for Colorado. Mike’s photo brought back such sweet but sorrowful memories of train watching in Colorado in the snow. I drive a 4WD Subaru and used to go train watching regardless of the weather. Both photos are excellant, but the snow in Mike’s bro’t back such bitter-sweet memories. 'Scuse me whilst I wipe away the tears.
Richard L. Opp
Murfreesboro (TrainDead), Tennessee

There was more train in Mike’s photo along with the unusual SP and UP combination which is not so common these days.

Okay, you two are making it tough for us. Keep this up and there will have to be a third catagory of tie. Erik squeaked by and got the vote cause of the perspective shot made. But Mike would get my vote also as his shot is nothing to sneeze at, since he probably caught a cold getting the shot. I’m impressed with both…

Both are great photos! This was a tough decision for me, and just because I voted for one doesn’t mean I didn’t like the other! I enjoy taking night photos using existing light with my digital camera which is a point and shoot model. There are some incredible effects you can get in low light photography.

I voted for Mike’s photo because of the way the rain showed up in the headlights/ditchlights, and how the “wings” on the nose still really stand out and are not in a “shadow” created from the glare of the lights.

I liked Erik’s photo quite a bit, and liked his idea with the light from the other train. However, the crew of the other train didn’t help him by turning their lights off (even though as an engineer I understand completely and would have done the same thing). Unfortunately that made the light streak effect less noticeable and dramatic.


I liked the effect of the rain - Mike got my vote this time.

I liked the UP rain photo, I think it had more life

Mike and Erik,

How about some comments on increased noise with increased ISO? How do you deal with it? How do you minimize it? I liked both shots but the rain drops in the headlight sold me this time.

Mike gets my vote. I just like the illusion of “cutting” through the falling rain that the headlight creates. In my opinion, a very good shot. A tough choice, but I went with Mike’s photo.

Sorry Mike…

Great Photos again this week guys. But I had to vote for Mike…The rain falling through the headlight, reminded me of snow, and added to the shot. I felt that Erik’s shot was just too dark, and I did not like the light beam through the shot either…

Erik & Mike, GREAT shots. I had to go with Mike’s shot again. This was a tough one, Erik’s looks cool, the loco with snow all over the front, the only thing that was distracting was the “tracer” line running behind the loco. Mike’s looks cool, the lighting effects are kind of eerie. I am also partial to UP, I have a relative who is an engineer on the UP.

I chose Mike’s photo for it’s effects. The headlights and rain look almost animated, as if they were added digitally, but as you follow the train to the left you see the reality of the train come into view. The ambiant lighting brings out good detail and provides just enough light to see the rest of the train.
Erik’s photo was very good, too, with the light of the approaching train illuminating the front of the holed-up unit, but I felt the single light streak took away from the effect. Had there been more lights on the passing unit the picture would have been more dramatic.
It was a tough decision!

WOW . . . Thanks guys, both great shots!

You guys are really making things tough…both are really awesome. But the more train I see the better so I went with Mike. But I have to admit that Eric’s is a VERY close second. The effects are great except the single streak across the picture. If the engineer had left the headlight on the second streak probably would have made a big difference; but of course, we must be considerate of our fellow workers. I’m sure you wouldn’t want a bright headlight into your face. Great work.

Wow! What a tough choice. Well, let me break it down:

Mike’s photo: ex-SP UP patched engine, fading light, headlights illuminating the rain falling.
Erik’s photo: ex-SF engine in Warbonnet paint, darkness, cool effect, snow…and, what decided it for me (and I don’t think it has been mentioned) a star (look straight up from the nose.)

Great shots guys. If I ever get my Digital Rebel, you are making it so I will actually attempt some night shots and hopefully have some successes. Thanks!