Trackside with Erik and Mike, Vol. 66

I just posted the latest installment of Trackside with Erik and Mike in our new section within the Railroad Reference area of

Read Trackside with Erik and Mike Volume 66

Voting for Trackside with Erik and Mike now occures at the top of the Trackside with Erik and Mike section. Click here to vote.

Please add your comments regarding this week’s photos here.

Thanks, Erik

…Cast my vote for Erik’s corn field scene…Believe both photos are equal in quality.

Choose Eriks photo as it seems to be a bit unusual in content, especially the color of the field and sky combination. {Even with the crooked corn rows, ha].

Nice shots, guys!!! Both are very, very good. For me, this was one of the more difficult choices.

I really liked the rural setting of Erik’s image; it seems so peaceful, unhurried, and simple, with the train adding a sense of action and urgency…going somewhere while all around remains stationary…very nice. It just sort of seemed like something was missing, but I’m not sure what. Maybe it needed a few clouds.

Mike’s image, however, somehow evoked a more dynamic response from me. The fancy, clean locomotive, with the backdrop of the deep-blue cccccold Lake Michigan waters, the white snow, the bare trees…also very nice.

By a margin of barely 1%, I voted for Mike’s.

Mike has my vote. I always go for a body of water in the background.


In case anyone wants to see more of the Union Pacific Shoreline Subdivision, there are over 160 photos in the Shoreline Sub album on my website. Thanks.


I like your site. Lots of nice images. But what I really liked was the maps showing where the image was captured; that is WAY COOL!!!

Well, couldn’t vote, because looks like the voting has ended; but, I “vote” for Erik’s photo this week. There’s just something about a farm scene, with a train going by, that just gets to this ole country girl. The background just looks so peaceful to me.

I’d try again, CW. I didn’t have a problem voting- went with Erik’s shot this week. Tough choice, though. Either one is very ‘cool’.

Well, I had to go to the Vermont quarter system here. The lone BNSF SD40-2 in a cornfield had a model like quality to it. Mike’s shot of the UP ES45AC was nice, too, what with the background. But, I liked the grade crossing shot best of all those shown, even though it wasn’t in the competition. I liked the composition of it and I’ll look in my Logan boxes, me thinks I have a shot of some B&M GP40-2s running toward Mudville on the old Erie with a similar set up near Attica, NYSSR.

I agree, both shots are very good again this week. In the end I went with Erik’s by a nose (pun intended). Between the snoot nose unit, the corn feild, and the barn, it’s a great photo. Mike’s is good too, but I like Eriks just slightly better.



The composition is not only unusual, but works great to draw you eye to the locomotive.

And the background farm buildings against the dark sky add further impact.

Both very good shots. I voted for Mike’s (cuz he’s such a great guy and all), but Erik’s was every bit as good (and he’s a fairly decent guy himself).

Just had to go with erik’s shot this time… very clean… as he said, the rows f scythed grain-field just draws your eyes to the train in the distance…but you’re definately right mike, that water DOES look cold![4:-)]

Hmmm… that’s odd. Voting is open until next Monday.



Both were Good Shots !! I voted for Mikes

Again, I’m going with Mike’s.

It was a hard choice this time, because I have some good memories of pacing freights with a cornfield between us and the tracks (between Rochelle and DeKalb–try it, you’ll like it!), but the lake is an influential factor for me, as is the prospect of a train bigger than the single-unit BNSF shot is providing.

You know, of course, that those Alliant Energy cars are lettered EDGX specifically for the Edgewater plant, right? That’s the truth.

Voted for Mike thid time. Too much farm and not enough train in Eriks photo.

Ran with Mike’s shot this week. It seemed…somehow…more…something than Bergie’s shot.

Hi guys,

I like both shots. Not sure I can analyze why?? So I will just vote…it’s Erik’s this time.

Larry in Wauwatosa