This week, Trains Managing Editor Kathi Kube is joined by her boss, Editor Jim Wrinn. (Good luck with that, Kathi! [:D]) See more of Kathi’s photos from California as well as Jim’s Rio Grande steam photos from a recent trip to the Cumbres & Toltec Scenic Railroad.
Egads, I never thought I’d see the day when I’d pass voting on a Coloradoan Narrow Gauge Steam Locomotive, but Kathi, that shot is just gorgeous! You definately got my vote!
Jim - Great shot, I really like it, but it just didn’t have the punch for me to get my vote. Oh yes, one little niggle: It’s the “Lobato” trestle, not “Labato.” I only know that because I had to get this shot a couple of years ago:
Just for the record, that’s a shot of Lobato and Me! [;)][(-D]
Kathi - One niggle on your shot as well. You might want to clean up those dust spots if you get a chance. It’s not a huge distraction, but I did find my eye wandering towards them while contemplating the shot.
This was definately a good week for Trackside. Thanks!
One thing about this series is that the pictures get harder to choose between with every installment.
That said, the question I often ask myself as I’m considering which to choose is which shot I’d rather have framed on my wall. My vote went with Kathi (although a nicely framed copy of Jim’s would certainly look good in the train room).
…I see two nice railroad photos. I’m a sucker for the back lit signal photo of Kathi’s…I like the other photo too, of Jim’s. Guess my decision was decided then on my admission of liking the type of shot that Kathi provided. Content.
I was trying to remember when I used a low-sun photo in a Trackside vote (although mine was from sunrise, not sunset). It was Vol. 13, almost four years ago (yikes!) and I subsequently got my teeth kicked in.
Hopefully yours will be more well-accepted than mine!
I don’t know why your photo wasn’t better received. I thought it was pretty cool.
Personally, I’m just tickled that so far our forum folks are liking my shot. We’ll see how it all ends up, but I just loved the experience of being there, sharing the moment with dear friends and my darling husband.
Kat, I envy your “had-to-be-there” sentiment. And kudos to you for willingly accepting the sun from your husband. Had I thought of it, I may have been considered impractical (but I didn’t, so we’ll never know).
Two stunning shots this time. Vote has been cast; comment will be withheld for now, just in case…
Kathy, hands down for this vote. That steam shot was nice but it didn’t speak to me. Kathi’s says so much with so little: powerful, artsy, dramatic, perfect. For the first time in a while…WOW on Trackside. Kudos to you Kathi![bow]
Ye Olde Ed. takes my vote this session. I volunteered for two summers on the C&TSRR and the group of Jim’s photos sure bring back pleasant memories. I, too, scampered over fences and fields to get to that side of Lobato trestle and waited while the double header uncoupled and went across one locomotive at a time (weight restriction). As has often been the case, it is a shame to have to decide between two very good shots. Sorry Kathi, nostalgia wins over art this round. Thanks for the good photography.
Kathi, I’m a sucker for a good sunset shot. Too bad you didn’t have some high clouds to give you more texture in the sky. And then, you add in a crossing signal? OOOOOH! AAAAAAH!
Pat wanted to vote, but (and I know everyone will be pleased to know this) each account gets only one vote. So, Kat, you got another one, even if it doesn’t show. (I think it may have inspired a quilt.)
Not content with everything in Cedar Rapids, Brian wants Samoa! (Take that, SJ!) Samoa is on the ICE, just a couple of miles north of the junction at Sabula.
For me, this was one of the most difficult choices for Trackside.
I really like how the grade is represented in Jim’s shot. Amazing how much incline is apparent in just the short length of the train. Additionaly, the composition is very pleasing, although if I wanted to be real picky, I’d have liked to see the entire bridge the train was going over.
Kathi’s shot was very unique. I’m impressed with the camera’s ability to shoot straight in to the sun without the sensor going crazy. And the juxaposition of seeing a crossing signal with nothing but ocean behind it was very interesting.
This is I think my first post in a Trackside thread, though I’ve been voting since it was just Erik and Mike.
But Kathi, it’s just that GOOD to draw me in here. Its a very beautiful shot. The narrow guage is good too, but it’s a scene shot, The crossing actually draws me in. And from what I’ve been reading, it’s pretty hard to screw up Surf CA. So that’s my vote. It’ll be close though.
Steam!! STEAM!! I’m a steam fan, so thats the end of it [:-^]
So I was somewhat surprised after voting to see that the sunset shot was getting better support. I have not yet had a look at others comments, but my initial thought would be “Steam by a landslide!” But no! It seems that a well executed sunset shot can stand a good chance against steam [%-)]
… checking the forum comments [:)] …
Having read the forum, I had better now go back and read the column!?[oops] I just did a glance through to get the general idea but no details.