Trackside with Trains Vol. 280: "Boxcars" - Open for voting

Good morning,

This week’s Trackside with Trains theme is “boxcars.”

View and vote for your favorite photo here:

Drew H.

I would like to know how the images used each week are chosen (quality, composition, random, etc).

I would also like to know how you determine the number of photos available to vote on. Some weeks there a but a few, while other weeks there is a multitude from which to choose.

I went with Robert Jordan’s photo. It’s a nice mix of the old (wood boxcars) with the modern (GA8 for power). It suggests what Rio Grande’s narrow gauge might have looked like if it was dieselized.

Images used are limited by both the number of overall submissions and number of images that follow the stated rules (image size, inclusion of caption and camera info, etc.) It is usually done by me, although others on the staff also handle it as schedule dictates. I try to post at least six, and no more than 12.

Brian Schmidt (5-3):

It would help would-be submitters if instructions (at various places) weren’t contradictory!



Even though the photo from Joel Wendt was not the most visually appealing, I voted for it because it brought memories of standing where Joel was (on the Staduim Blvd viaduct, across the street from the U of M arena and football field) and wathching old AA trains move through there, as well as crossing those tracks from the golf course (next to the tracks) to get to the local bowling alley. Thanks Joel for the memories. boB from WA