Traffic Lights

I want to install working traffic lights on my 50s era DCC layout (but not necessarily controlled by a decoder) but the available options seem limited. My street system is a rectangle so I have four 90 degree intersections with traffic only coming from two directions. I currently have Model Power two sided lights installed but they work off a manual switch and I’d like something automatic. Anybody got any ideas what to use. I’m kind of looking at the new Walthers lights but is there anything else available?

The Walthers ones are nice-looking. I’ve seen them in action at a club layout open-house, and I thought they were pretty good. The price is actually pretty reasonable for the lights themselves, but the controller circuit is a bit pricey. (It will run multiple units, though.)

A company called Bakatronics at also makes a traffic-light controller. I haven’t tried it, but if I ever get around to installing traffic lights, I will give that one a try.

Another source that has been mentioned here is