Train #4 Today

Latest info I have is that #4 of 10-9 has not yet left Barstow. Anyone know Why?

Hi, Diningcar!

From the Cajon Pass area I hear the Cajon, Mojave, and Needles Subs dispatchers clearly. None of those channels indicate anything is going on.

The Amtrak website lists that No. 4 currently as about 6 hours late.

In that light, maybe (“maybe”) something happened to the engineer, like he got sick, and it took hours to relieve him. Outside of something like that, I have no idea why No. 4 would be so late so early in it journey east.



Hello friend KP, my site for checking Amtrak trains daily activities does not show train #4 anywhere between Barstow and Alb which is where it should be at this time.

ATK website tracking map shows #4 of 10/9 6:46 late, doing 88 mph about midway Gallup-Grants, near as I can figure.

ASMTRANSIT.DOCS Shows #4 of 10/9 as 9 min late at Barstow, and 7 hr, 9 min late at Needles.

As I write this at 6:37 PM CST, #4/9 is listed as 7:46 late at Gallup and currently approaching Mesita. Too bad Bob Johnston isn’t on #4 so he could give us a story as he did for #51’s tree caused S.I.

#4 of the 9th is now 8:56 late in central Kansas. In addition #6 of the 10th left Salt Lake on time last night, but apparently it is taking the UP route across Wyoming to Denver. I’d expect it to be early into Denver.

Anyone have an explanation about why #4 is so late?

Rumor is that 4 hit a trespasser in Barstow and thus received the delay.