Train day in Blackpool

Autumn is getting a grip on the Brit countryside now so I thought I would have as much stock on the track as I could. True to form it’s now started raining and I just got it all away in time.

Enjoy the pics.


thanks for the pictures of your lay out , I have to take some new pictures soon , it’s raining here today SEPT. 22 07 so no pictures today , it looks like you have a lot of rolling stock and engines , do you still build trollies yet??? take care Ben

Hi Ben, that was Troy who built the trollies and yes, he’s still at it. After I posted the pics the sun came out again, typical. Nice to hear from you.



Kim I’m so jealous, at least you have a layout to get rained on…[;)]

Looks like a fun day…PS its been POURING rain here since last night…

Kim, Always like to see you running your lay out! Good to hear from you!


Cheers lads, I’ve always liked this forum. Must drop by more often. Enjoy your rr’s.



Looks to me like Kim’s dispatcher was running around busy as a one armed paperhanger! He handled a veritable plethora of traffic and no evidence of a wreck!

Well Done!

That’s what is great about still photo’s, you have the ability to clean up the debris after a significant crash and nobody’s the wiser. Provided of course somebody else don’t rat ya’ out. [(-D]

Seems that most of the rain went up thru the LA area and we didn’t get much of anything out of it down here, but it sure had some people runnin’ around in a dither for awhile.

You’ve got to make sure them switches is set right and the power’s off to the other loco’s. Otherwise it does get interesting!!

We got 1 1/2" of rain here at our house mostly over friday night