I put some train GIFs in my signature that I repainted. Click on them to enlarge them. Enjoy!
So, Mark where did you find them? I’m guessing that there are more different ones out there. Are the cars individual images that can be rearanged? I just enlarged them and now I’m guessing not, unless you assembled them into a train when you chose them, and it locked them together.
I’m sorry that I had to exercise my parenting skills on you, but I think that in the long run you and everyone else here will be happier. Deschane identified the fact that you were younger than most people realized, and we all need to cut you some slack because of it, but on the other hand you will get more respect and understanding when you show that you can cooperate and participate like you have just demonstrated. Those may be some rather deep thoughts for a forum on model railroading, as the general idea here is to have fun, but I hope that you will be able to apply the lesson learned here to situations that will surely come up later in your life.
In the future, when you want to share photos, just put them in the body of your post and discuss them. If you want to see something interesting, but strange, go back to your previous posts that were talking about your signature,and see the part of the problem with constantly changing it. [:D]
I got them off of Frograil (www.frograil.com/gifs/trainGifCategories.htm) there are many other sites that have them also. I repainted most of them to the AS&N’s scheme. Many websites have them moving but I don’t know how they do it.
Maybe its just as well that they don’t move, I’m beginning to have second thoughts about Lupo’s, and may have to take some thing for motion sickness. I’ll be sure to buy enough to share with Fergie.[(-D][swg]
AS&N looks a lot like GTW paint scheme.
Yes, I’ve always liked GTWs paint, as well as CR blue and SP noses so I combined all three.
[}:)][}:)][}:)]maybe start experimenting with animated gif’s with sound!!![}:)][}:)][}:)]
hey 4884BigBoy, where is your signature picture gone ??
there must be somewhere on the net where you can find a picture to suit all tastes?
Uh oh! NO IDEAS, I tried to get the to move but they could work.
hi Dougal,
I don’t now either how to make that gifs move, I found the stuff I used on some website
but if you type “animated gif” in some search program that mostly comes up with something