Train hits cattle

30? Wow…

Miniwyo- you beat me to that one. I had heard years ago that the railroad was responsible for damages when livestock were killed.

Let’s see - farmer facing bankruptcy herds cattle out to railroad property, retires in style…

I never thought monetary damages from railroads smelled quite right, but I am big on accountability for your own actions. YOUR cattle get out and get killed or injured. Your loss. Why should the railroad be responsible for themselves and everyone else that “tresspasses”…

(no I am not ALL pro-railroad. I will find something to bite the railroads about later!)


Man, those have to be some old laws!!! UP better get it’s legal department in gear and work to get them repealed. That’s just not good for business.

i heard a story from my dad, many years ago(before me) him and a friend were in Chillicothe, mid- freezing winter. in the distance, they hear *MMMMMMMMM…MMMMM…MMMM" learns this to be a very muffled AMTRAK horn. and as it comes closer, they see this HORRENDOUS sight of red…furry…frozen goo all over the front of the engine(includeing goo and chunks filling the horns)! turns out they plowed through a small herd of sheep through the mountains ( eastbound Cheif). never had a chance to swap engines out, and luckily iw as so cold to keep it all frozen so it wouldnt cook and stink

Scroll down to the last pic on the bottom of this page. It’s the front of an engine after hitting a horse at 60mph. Can’t imagine 30 cattle.

Must have been before California had “Smart Cows”[:D][:D]

Oooooooo yuck, that’s going to need a hose and a wire brush. [xx(]

It gives new meaning to the term “iron horse”.[:0]

Would have been more fitting if it had been Norfolk Southern.[;)]

By the way, I thought California cows were happy, not smart. At least that’s what they say on TV. Makes you wonder what kind of grass they are grazing on.[swg]

Saw that picture before of the locomotive that hit the horse at speed. Notice I didn’t mention seeing the horse.

Wonder if the end result will be similar to an accident on an Interstate near here. A tractor-trailer hauling fruit went off the road. Clean-up crews figured “hey, it’s just fruit - just let it sit. It’ll go away on its own.” Animals found the stash and it was roadkill alley until somebody decided maybe they should clean up the fruit.

Sounds like a case of “accidental baiting”.[:p]

Mookie, The reason I know this is I know a guy who owned a farm next ot my great granddad’s near Bayard Ne. It was also bordered by the BNSF and they only hit 1 cow, but nontheless they still had to pay for it.

Also, I know a guy who hit one with his 1995 Ford Powerstroke, It rippend the front end apart, tore out the engine, transmission, and front axle. He not only had to buy a new truck, but had to pay for the cow.

I know Dad hit a few in his career and they had to buy them all. Deer and rabbits were free. Still adds insult to injury!

This has been a very mooo-ving post[}:)]!

Screw the Popcorn…I’m firing up the Grill! [8D]

Steaks for everyone![:D]

Leg of lamb?[:p]

Horse is a common dish in France[:0]

Retiring in style on 30 head??? You must have very simple needs if you think someone could retire on that.

[:D]The French, who eat snails, and fish eggs.[xx(] Label Lance’s soap and deodorant as an unidentifiable substance[D)], and have a language that takes twice as much room as English[8]. Ah, yes, the wonderful French![:p] Who hate us even though we saved their rear ends time and time again[;)]

As I said before, not only just the 30 head, but every calf it would have had. thats a possibility of having to pay for probably at least 100 head.

[dinner]MMM…MMM…MMM… Dead Cows on Tracks[dinner][dinner]

True enough, but please lets not forget… if it wasn’t for Ben Franklin’s selling the American Idea of Liberty to the French King (his main sales pitch was that it would irritate the Hell out of the British), the advice of the French Army and most importantly the harrasment of the British by the French Navy, we’d still be part of the United Kingdom.

Of course ol’ Louis payed for it a few years later when the rest of France said, “… Hey we want some of that Liberty too…”[:0]

Someone pass the cake please…

Originally posted by vsmith

Screw the Popcorn…I’m firing up the Grill! [8D]

Steaks for everyone![:D]

Screw the Popcorn…I’m firing up the Grill! [8D]

Steaks for everyone![:D]

Better change that to hamburger helper.[xx(]