Train Horns Part 2.

I already know that you people on this Forum have heard this before but I must get this out now. This guy name of Dennis Mccormich of Blair went to the Blair City council on his behalf to “complain” to the City of Blair complaining about the Trains blowing their Horns in an what he calles “Excessive horn blowing”.
This is what is says:

Request by Dennis Mc cormich ,2336 Jackson Street to appear before the Mayor and City council to disscuss the excessive whistle blowing of Train Horns passing through Blair.

Now you people tell me this? Just what the HELL is going through people’s minds now a days. I keep trying to tell my Stupid dad that if Train Horns where to stop. The Actions of most people would be unbelieveable.
Well I tell you this people I just don’t what to say anymore. To me it is a no win situation,People will *** every chance they get. I am very sad to hear this kind crap from people anymore. I mean this Town has gone over 20 Years without a single Grade Crossing accident,That’s until last monday! Well so much for that Record now.
All I have to say is this…If people want this childish crap. Then fine. You’ll be the one who will be cleaning up the Dead body parts up off the Railroad right of way. Just don’t come looking to me to chase after you after the Train hit’s you because Train Engineer was told not to blow their Horn. I am very DISCUSTED and very ANGRY now more than ever all because of this. I just feel very sorry for the Crews who now have to encounter this every day because the public want’s their QUIET ZONES. Allan.

When will people learn that if you want your life you might have to give up a whole five seconds of quiet time.[sigh]

How stupid of them, o well they will die by hitting the train all because they can’t deal witha train horn once in a while…

Like I said before on here. Trains blow their horns to serve as a warning for safety purposes. Isn’t that the same reason police cars, ambulances, fire trucks have sirens and blow their horns? Does this person raise a fuss over these as well? I’d be curious to know.


I think it would be great if they put big airhorns on passenger jetliners too. that way they could blow their horns as they fly over as well …

5 seconds 30-50 times per day, 365 days per year, comes to 25 hours per year.

now, suppose you have multiple crossings close by… what then? triple it?

I’m all for safety, but since the horns seem to be getting louder, and of a pitch that seems ever more annoying, it seems wrong to be totally insensitive to the plight of those who find it necessary to complain.

I think we should be a tad more musical in the horns.

Someone on the forums had a sign that stated “Lights and Siren bother you? Wal, if we have to be up you have to be up too.”

And for those who think I am being insensitive, I live within earshot of a dual track main that sees up to 10 trains/hour at times. I can pick out from memory almost who is driving what train at different times of the week.

I listen for the routine blows and all is well. When I hear the batch of shorts we have a problem.

Those old “bulldog” F units had a horn that was more of a hum, far less annoying than the shrill blaring units I hear these days.

Some of the contemporary horns don’t sound so bad, while others really suck, sounding off key and non melodic.

Which makes me wonder…with the multi chime horns popular today, I’m wondering if the ones that sound off key and annoying are just broken? You know, like when one of the 4 horns on a cadillac is broken, and the resulting sound reminds you of a cat wearing a pair of vice grips intimately?

Perhaps slack maintenance is the true cause of most of the complaints from track side dwellers?

Perhaps we should give each engineer a pitch pipe, and require him to test the horns prior to every departure? Giving him final say on whether such a consist is road worthy, or if it gets cut out for repairs?..[}:)]

It’s a simple equasion to me…If you don’t like hearing the horns then move away from the tracks…They were there first (99% of the time)…Can’t move you say…Then pay for grade seperation…Oh…not worth the cost?..Then shut the [censored] up and deal with it…Yes they blow the horns for a reason…YOUR SAFETY…Duh

Now THERE is a good idea!! I had never thought of… Lets see,…my house was built in 1935, and if the railroads would go back to using the melodic steam whistles prevalent at that time, everybody wins…[;)]

Part of it is the auto makers building cars nearly soundproof now. I recently rode with a friend of mine in a brand new car, not sure the make and model but, we got stopped at a railroad crossing, and we were the first car in line. With the windows shut, and nothing on, radio, a/c, blowers, all were off, and the horn could barely be heard inside the car. I’m probably wrong on this, and mind you, my mind has been going to mu***he past few years, but I think I read somewhere that this was one of the reasons train horns are getting louder. I don’t know, more than likely I’m completely wrong on this one.

Here is something I found that goes against the grain:

Train horns not a problem for Bakersfield residents

Residents across the country are in an uproar over a powerful noise breaking the calm of their neighborhoods.

But in Bakersfield, California, some say train horns create a calm atmosphere.

It’s a new federal rule that went into effect just over a month ago that forces trains to blow their horns at every city crossing.

But that same rule says cities can silence them.

“Local communities throughout the nation, many of which never had the authority before, can now start the process to silence the horns,” said Steven Klum from the Federal Railroad Administration.

But the catch is, local folks would have to pay for it.

“A rule gets made and the railroads say, ‘well you can opt out of the rule but your just going to have to pay, pay for the improvements,’ and we don’t have the budget for it,” said Assistant City Manager Alan Christensen.

“When we first moved to the house down the street the trains were a big problem because we weren’t used to it,” said resident Mike Fox.

Fox is one of many residents living next to the tracks who say they’re used to it.

“When I moved here it was a big problem, but now since time passed, I’m starting to get used to it,” said George Posadas.

Others even enjoy train horns.

“We love it, that’s the reason why we live here, because we like to listen to the sounds of the train, especially at night,” said Deboraha Bauer. “It’s very soothing and very relaxing.”

The city said if they don’t get complaints, it’s not a top priority to stop the horns.

There are only three cities in California that have applied for the quiet zones since the federal rule went into effect Jun24. - KGET-TV17, Bakersfield, CA,

Maybe if they could ‘program’ the horns like they do cell phone ring tones? [8D]

SURE! that’s it! They could program the horns to play locally popular tunes as they pass through, making everybody happy.

Lets see, that would leave heavy metal for the midwest, country for the deep south, salsa for the southern border states, Rap for the northeast, and show tunes for San Francisco and the northern border states… EVERY BODY WINS NOW!! [:-,]

[(-D][(-D][(-D][(-D] Too funny !!! [(-D][(-D][(-D][(-D]

Seems to me BNSF Railfan has talked himself into leading the opposition. After all, this is a matter of saving lives, not mere esthetics.

I swear some stupid[soapbox][soapbox] people don’t desevre to live around tracks because ever time a train blows their horn for a crossing. I am sure that people get on the phone and try to get some law passed to stop trains from blowing their horns. But unlike me every time I hear a train horn go off I know some thing great is still going on in this great country. But anyway train horns are cool and you are right and they have the same reasons that police cars fire trucks and ambulances have sirens and yes even AIR HORNS on them and yet there are still stupid [soapbox] people still try to out run them but anywho I think before anyone buys a house or gets there liscence they should have to look and see how far they are from. Train tracks and on the other hand when people take there drivers test the examiner should test them on when they hear sirens see what they should do if they don’t know what to do they should fail instantly same thing when they try to beat a train to the crossing they should be. SHOT in the HEAD but then again that is my own opion and if anyone else feels this way go ahead and just let it all out like I just did and I feel much better now thanks for listening [:D][:D][:D]

I could go with ringtoned-horns, but I think I’d rather hear a regular horn than heavy medal music. How about something like a drumset solo?

That last one was really dam funny I think you may be right about that ring toned horns maybe the ticket but then people will start complaning about those because enginers will pick the most annoying songs for there horns but then again it might just shut all of those little whinners up [(-D][(-D][(-D][(-D]

Or it could be at the idividual crossing (I think there are some regular horns like that) so the citizens that live around there can choose their song. Then everyone might be happy…that is when all the recounts and accusations of voter fraud are cleared[:D][:D][:D][:D][:D]

A recent news story out of Ashwaubenon (suburb of Green Bay, WI) told how residents were tired of the train horns on the CN main line. Last year the village paid for crossing improvements (gates, flashing lights) but the horns were still blowing because the feds had to inspect the upgrades before they could stop. An inspector finally showed up and maybe next month permission to quit blowing will be given, over a year after all the work was done.