train inventory

I would like to know if anybody has any information on how to keep inventory for you frieght cars.Is ther any way a person could do this information on a computer?Thank you very much;You Railroad Friend R. L.B.

There are several inventory programs for model railroaders. You can find them on the NMRA web page under the web page listings. A few of them will let you demo the program for a month or more. I tried Shenandoah Software’s program and it’s easy to use and already has a lot of manufacturers in the program.

If these aren’t for you, I made something on Microsoft Exel.


I had the same problem until I started using Excel for this same purpose. I have found it very useful to itemize all sorts of things like how many 36" wheelsets I need, or or what the total value of my collection is for insurance purposes, etc. Excel is a great program, it’s easy to use, and believe me, Microsoft thought of just about everything you will ever need in that program. If you’d like a sample copy of my inventory to help you format yours, I’d be happy to email you with it. Good luck.

Durango, CO

Hi,Ryan;I would like to have a sample copy of your inventory please.My e-mail is