Train Location/Dispatch Software?

Newbie here… Looked to see if this question has been posted but did not find it.

I’m a pilot and a rail fan both. There are several web sites that provide location information (delayed by 5-15 minutes) on any aircraft that is on an IFR flight plan. My wife often watches my progress when I’ve filed IFR in my own airplane on these sites.

My question is this… is there some software or web-site that keeps track of currently dispatched trains and generally where they are? For example, if I’m on the Amtrak CZ, and I have GPS and a wireless connection, is there a way to tell what other trains are in the same area, so I can keep an eye out for them?

Inquiring minds want to know. Thanks!

Yes and no, there is ATCS Monitor program which will show that another train is nearby if the section of track uses the ATCS method of CTC control. You would need a Laptop and Wireless Internet access, or an Antenna. The Antenna Method is likely to be a bit more intermittent if you are on a Train.

ATCS Monitor Program

Fred Frailey’s latest in Trains recounts how he did exactly that with the ATCS monitor while riding the SW Chief. Coverage is not universal, but quite a bit of mainline is covered by ATCS spec radio code line.