i am current running train master command but would like to run legacy engines is this possible or do i have to buy the legacy system. any information would be very helpful.
Yes you can run Legacy engines under TMCC, but you will not get all of the speed steps, the more accurate slow speeds, nor any of the Legacy System’s additional features. Also - building lash-ups is MUCH easier and the engines responde much better in Legacy vs TMCC.
As noted above the speed step is the noticeable difference. The most used Legacy features will work with TMCC. If you can afford the jump to Legacy you will like it. If not TMCC is satisfactory and fun.
My “transformer control” such as Post War seem to run better under Legacy than TMCC.
The simple answer to your question is yes you can. However consider if you are planning to grow your empire with more Legacy equipment it may be time to upgrade to Legacy control.