Train Restoration

  1. What technique/product can be used to restore the black color on Lionel trucks and various metal parts (brake handwheels, posts, box car door slides, etc) found on their freight cars?

  2. Is there a color chart available for Lionel post war equipment? I am restoring a Lionel block signal that had a green base. The previous owner painted it. Is there a commercial color available to match the original green? Any recommendations for a chemical paint stripper to be used on metal parts?

  3. What is the procedure for responding to participating members that respond to a posted question/problem? Cnw1995 and iguanaman3 thanks for the help. Iguanaman3 WD40 worked like a champ!

Hello jcjpb! & [#welcome] to the forum! Lionel Trucks,Ladders,Brakewheels & other Blackened parts were originally Chemically Blackened at the Factory. My suggestion to you is to contact Dave Laughridge at Dr.Tinker’s Toy Train Parts Website & I believe he sells a solution that chemically blackens metal parts. He also has paint for toy trains & should have the correct green color for your Block Signal or he can find it for you if out of stock. Hope this helps & take care.

jcjpb - Not sure about how to respond to question "3. What is the procedure for responding to participating members that respond to a posted question/problem? "

The best answer I can think of of is to just reply within the forum, unless it is something of a more personal nature, in which case you could e-mail that person directly if they have an e-mail link next to their profile at the bottom of their response.
