Train room floor coverings

I am in the process of finishing my basement to build a large HO scale layout, and I can’t decide what floor covering would work best, carpet or some kind of tile floor. I am wondering what kind of floor other modelers have in there train rooms and why they like it or don’t like it.

i bought a reminant of Berber Cut-Pile from a carpet store, highly wear resistant, cleans up with soap n water, yet soft on the feet and for standing long periods

I’m hoping to convert my garage into a train room (if I can get a combo AC and heater window unit).

What I thought would be a good idea would be those foam pads with the puzzle shape edges.

You could assemble them only where you need them.

You could cut them if need be.

They come in a nice, neutral dark gray.

If one became too badly stained or damaged, you could pull it out easily and replace it with another.

Nice and soft on the knees when crawling around on the floor.

The only problem I can think of is if it’s too soft, and you have, for example, a rollingg office chair or rolling toolbox. The wheels might tend to dig in or form depressions in the foam that could cause chair or tool box tipping!


I have concrete (sigh). I put floor sealer down and don’t have the dust problem. I have found that in the workshop the rubber mats with the hexagon holes work great, so that’s what I’m planning for the train room as well - at least where I’ll be standing. A pair of running shoes in good condition seems to help.

I’ve got commercial grade indoor outdoor carpet in a blended gray color. It looks good and is easy on the feet and knees. I’m very pleased with it.
Tom Watkins

I have vinyl composition floor tile for durability with carpet for comfort. Carpet is commercial (low pile) reminent sections which I had the local carpet store sew the edges… surprisingly cheap. I would avoid wall to wall carpet because when you build the layout plaster and other stuff is going to hit the floor at some point, no matter how careful you are. With reminents I can remove them when I work on a section of layout, as most spatters (plaster, etc.) can be wiped off a tile floor if done immediately after it hits the floor. Also, with carpet reminents, if they ever get moldy or damaged they are easy to replace…

There is a company in that makes rubber mats that will interlock, and come in various colors. Check out

They are great.

i have this crappy blue carpet. i have some storage/spare bedroom for my trains. the floor is sinking in which sucks.

my friend has those sample carpet squares on his floor. says they are the best investment he’s made for the trains. he can go bare footed in the winter and not be cold.

I have painted concrete. This will be so during the construction phase. Spilled plaster, glue or paint is much easier to clean from concrete than from a carpet. When construction is over, I think I will cover the floor with a washable carpet for comfort and reducing of damage on fallen rolling stock.