Train show Feb. 24-25

Is anyone planning on going to the train show here is Denver on the 24th and 25th?? I’m probably going so let me know.

-Go Smoke

i’ll be their


smoke i guess it’s just you and me.LOL,jeff

Yeah looks like we are the only ones. I was hoping Tracklayer, or csmith would reply also as I know they live in the Denver area somewhere.


P.S. check your PM

I’ll be there.

I’ll be there the whole time from 2:00 p.m. on 23rd until 9:00 p.m. the 25th!

Come by and see me at the Platte Valley. Don’t expect much from our layout though. I am still missing three boxes of structures that are supposed to be on it.

I’ll be there all weekend!!

stuck in my booths!

Any of you interested in meeting up?? PM me if you are. river_eagle, what company are you with??


the train haus, I don’t have the layout map handy for location, there will be sign and a HO switching/dcc/ sound demo setup on the front table. IIRC the booths were on the right side near the restaurant in the front room, but I could be wrong, and locatiions are subject to change up until or even after I get there on friday.

I’ll be sure to check you guys out. I have seen you guys on ebay and have almost purchased a couple things.

See you there,


I must be spending too much time with the layout. What show / Where / when / admission cost / parking cost ?

Operating Model Railroads Including:

National Western Complex
4655 Humboldt St, Denver, CO 80216
Saturday & Sunday - February 24-25, 2007
10:00 AM - 4:00 PM

Train on Time
40’ x 50’ Riding Train

Youth in Model Railroading
50’ x 80’ Multiple Scale Layout

Denver Garden Railway Society
50’ x 90’ G Gauge Layout

Colorado Train Club
24’ x 64’ HO Scale Layout

Denver N Scale Club
36’ x 60’ N Scale Layout


after working all day, driving all night, and spending most of today setting up

I’m here and basiclly ready,

Zephyr, sorry I was too tired to hang out long today, but I was whipped, as soon a the pizza gets delivered it’s off to bed for me.

will catch up with you tomorrow or sunday, have a great show!!!

We me and River_Eagle made contact. Of course we were both so busy we didn’t really get to chat much. We, of course, had one member who didn’t show up until late, then he basically dropped off his modules and left. Then it was public show night at the club so ran straight from the show (when they kicked us out at 7:00 p.m.) to the club and ran until 10:00. Then I was up until 2:00 a.m. Saturday morning with the to do list. Back to the show at 7:30 a.m. and were actually ready for the public when they opened the doors at 10:00. Whew. Now, three hours after the show ended and I still have to unload. I presume River_Eagle is still on the road. It is only 900 or so miles back to St. Louis.

I didn’t even make it there.[banghead] Couldn’t get any one to drive me. Anyway I assume it was about the same as in november?? I made it to the one in November but didn’t see the “juice train” that I wanted to see but oh well. I’m going to see it soon though!!![:D]


Tony, was not available?

I contacted him but he was bummed about the 8th place finish so he wouldn’t do it either.


So what happened to Midnight and JP? For about 30 minutes I stepped away from our layout and was told one person came by and asked for me. I said, was it “Jeff”, but they said no.