Train Show - New Braunfels TX

Train Collectors Association, Lone Star Division - 35th Annual Train Meet

Saturday, May 16, 2009 10:30 AM - 4 PM

Open To The Public

New Braunfels Civic Center
380 S. Seguin New Braunfels, Texas

Admission: Adults $6.00 / Family $9.00

There will be large train layouts, “Hands On” clinics on how to clean and lubricate your steam or diesel locomotives and how to install and operate the MTH Digital Control System (DCS).

There will be an extensive amount model railroad items for sale. There will be items for the collector and operator and most gauges will be presented.

Come see unique train items on exhibit by Train Collector Association (TCA) members.

There will be Door Prizes, a Silent Auction, a Raffle, a unique Engine Race track Derby and Great Refreshments.

What a wonderful way to spend the day. Come visit us.

For information on this meet or on joining the local chapter of TCA contact: Frank Hamadock (210)945-9623 or Pat Halpin (210)661-4238.

Brady Burdge

Thanks for the heads up! I will bring the kids! Is there going to be alot of o-gauge trains? We’ll be coming from Medina lake up IH35 see you there!

As of today, Wednesday, looks like we (wife and me) will be attending. I’d bring the kids but they’ve been shaving for many years and, alas, do not share my interest these particular toys.

Texas Pete

We’re slated to have three O gauge modulars and an O gauge kid-friendly layout. There should be plenty of O gauge for sale