train shows

Is there any train shows in cincinnati any more? At one time there was like 2 a year and i havent seen any adds for any in the last year. I see them for dayton but none here. I kinda miss them[sigh]

Not totally OT but I found a website devoted to info on train shows, arranged by state. I think it is a work in progress — I imagine the owner(s) would appreciate info and updates

Dave Nelson

If you go to Resources & Coming Events above, you may find what MR knows about. I miss the listings in the magazine. MRC may be a good source if you can find a copy at your LHS or bookstore.

Enter your zip code & see what you can find.

there isnt any listting for cincy in MRC eather its like we droped off the face of the earth

Some vendors post a calendar on their websites. Also some local clubs or the local division of the NMRA have calendar of events listed also. Don’t forget to look for flyers at the hobby shop.

I feel for you, but DON’T EVEN TRY to take the show from Columbus.[swg] It is the 2nd weekend in Feb if you are interested. I figured I would just save some money to go, hoping for that illusive deal on a long out of production item, but when I went to the LHSs at lunch today, I found that BOTH had 20% off everything. I kind of blew a bit of my trainshow money and may blow some more. There is a UP challenger (rivirossi) for $70 - $14off. Tempting. Also a NYC Mohawk for $50 - $10.