I don’t have a permanent layout as of this post, so I’m running Atlas True Track on the carpet. The carpet is pretty beat-down, so it’s very low-pile and offers a reasonably flat surface. The “layout” consists of an oval with a passing siding. 18" radius turns, two manual turnouts, and two9" straights. In testing, this occurs in both DC and DCC (Sprog 3).
When a locomotive (or locomotives, it doesn’t matter if I’m using a consist or not) passes over the turnout and onto the curved section of the track, as soon as the rear truck passes onto the curved section, the locomotive will stutter or sometimes even stop. If I increase speed before entering the turnout, sometimes this helps, but not always.
This only seems to occur if the locomotive is headed in the direction that would allow it to go to either way on the turnout, not when it’s coming across the turnout in a manner that it’d have to pass the turnout and back up to use the diverging track (does that make sense?).
I’ve swapped the turn out, and this still occurs. I also added two turnouts to the other end of the oval (effectively increasing the length of straight track between each curved end), and this occurs on the side using the new turnouts as well. Again, just entering and once it gets to the curved track immediately after, not in the opposite direction.
Any ideas?