Train Throttle for the PC

Hi, Im looking at setting up PC control for my DCC G Scale layout, and I was wondering if anyone has seen a decent train throttle device (preferably USB) to use? Im after something simple like the LGB Jumbo Remote (50106).

Also, could it be possible to adapt the Jumbo Remote to PC use ?? It looks like a standard 9 pin serial interface. Id be into making my own throttle if I could get some pointers on how to go about it,



Hi Dan, Can I ask is your pc a lap top if not you may have a long way to run if you have a track problem IE derailment second train could ram the derailed one before you could reach pc to stop every thing. Damage is costly as we all know and getting it fixed takes time. This is just my comments to pc control but the choice is yours[2c]

Hi, yes Im using a laptop but the trains will be controlled by a computer control device. Im using KAM Industries “Train Tools” software which allows you to fully customise the control interface and communicate with PC peripherals.

that sounds really cool! Maybe you could use a desktop controller built for train simulator like this one.


There was a write up on DCC computer controlled trains and he used KAM to. Was very hairy I thought to set up. But when I get track down and sorta everything rolln I am going to give it a big try.


There is a product from Oak Tree Systems that interfaces with a PC through the USB port but it’s more CAB Control using block detectors. They were developing their own control software but it also interfaces with “Railroad & Company” from Freiwald Software. It available in either Kit form for the electronically savy or pre-built for people that don’t want to solder. I’ve only researched this product and have no experience with this product nor am I recommending it.

I’ve talked to the owner and he says it will work for Large Scale as long is it doesn’t pull over 5 amps for all trains.

This Oak Tree system looks like a whole new ball-game, I’ll have to spend a little time going over it… The KAM System is good because they provide you with all the interfaces pre-packaged, but you also have the option to fully cutomise them. They have a train control throttle that you plug into your PC but is a HUGE thing with many buttons and levers. I like the old sytle LGB throttles myself, but I cant see anything online as a USB device that is like it.