Train Trivia 9/22/05 (ANSWERED)

According to legend John Henry worked what railroad?

  1. UP
  2. C&O
  3. B&O
  4. PRR
  1. C & O

I’ll agree with locomutt that Jawn Henry worked on the C & O.

Now which way is it spelled the turbine locmotive is spelled Jawn Henry, the book is John Henry mighty Railroader?

I know the song was by Johnny Cash![:-,]

The man: spelling…John Henry.

No, no no, it was Jon Henree…lol.

Murph, John Henry (the song, the legend, and the man) were all around well before Johnny Cash!

Nobody was tricked–C&O is the correct answer. Maybe Lotus should be asked to give us the locale!

I learned something, I had always thought that John Henry worked for the Southern or N&W…and the N&W steam Turbine was named the “Jawn Henry”… I think that the C&O had at least one of their own also[ Steam Turbine], but have no idea of its history…Looks like they would have named their loco" John Henry?"… Maybe, the N&W beat them out of it first… The N&W locomotive apparently suffered from an ability to transfer weight as coal was burned, apparently slippage was a major issue with it… The Pensy also had a steam turbine, more conventional type loco…See Lionel’s turbine…

John Henry worked for the C&O railroad, his famous race against the machine took place in 1872 at a tunnel called the Big Bend near Tallcot, West Virgina.