Autoracks in canyon east of loop. No clean up when I went through the area.
Reports are interesting about the accident. One downhill train hit another downhill train. No details if the first train was stopped or just moving slower than the second train.
The pictures from the road above looks like a HO layout wreck.
Looks to be between Walong and Marcel sidings, east of the tunnel there. Should be some interesting “scratch and dent” deals at some Nissan dealers. [;)] (The one cargo shot appears to be a white Nissan Frontier.)
I am sure the NTSB will find the BNSF crew was overweight, had non-regular work hours including having worked at night, possible having a medical condition like chronic hangnails and were of course asleep.
I would not be waiting to buy one of those cars - They usually destroy cars that are involved in a train wreck.
that PTC would have prevented this incident. [|(] [:o)] [banghead]
Noticed this week that a bunch of auto racks are still on the ground, as it were, at the incident location. They are on the ground but upright, visible from Highway 58.