Trains 4 kids

I bought the single issue of Trains 4 Kids. Has any one heard whether this will be a one time issue or will it be offered monthly ?

I ordered it for grandson, but don’t know if it will become a periodical. May be a test to see how the response is.

My children love our trains. I sure hope that they do make this a periodical. I would scoop out a few bucks of the old wallet for this for my children.Novcerr , did your Grandson like the magazine ?

I think it is considered a special issue and not something that will become a monthly thing. However, as someone else already speculated, perhaps the folks at Trains will make it an annual thing if it is received well enough.

I bought three copies; one for my three year-old daughter, and two for two nephews. My daughter loves it, and I hear my nephews do too.

As far as I know he did. He is almost 8, so he also has other interests. Right now it is the Packers, since he lives in Wisconsin.

My guess is if they sell enough copies, they’ll make it an annual thing like Layout Planning & Design, Great Model Railroads, etc. I bought a few and gave them to a friend’s kids at church and a great niece and her friend. They all enjoyed them.

My 7 year old loves his copy. I put it in his stocking for Christmas, and it’s dog-eared already.