Trains and Locomotive oddities

Anyone else catch Tains and Locos this week? An armstrong turn table for buses?A triple to double slip switch? A camelback(I thought they were ilegal). Switch Tower that was using Humpback switch levers. Some really dirthy engines. A carwash for steam engines. Great novelties this week.

Art is this a TV show ?

RFD channel, 379 on my dish. I get it Monday evenings and Saturday Mornings. Always good, but the oddities today were too many to remember. I put it on Tivo and watch it more than once. When I get a headache from all the tiny model making stuff, I watch some.

When was it on? The only one I know of is 6 on Monday, which was Cow Auctions…

Dang it, I slept in and missed it, all I seen was the closing credits…[:(]

That was a real good episode this mourning. They showed some real unusual consists like an Alco RS tide to an F B unit pulling a passenger train.