When I first joined forum nearly six years ago, I rarely posted my own threads or responded to other’s posts. I was in the learning process and had little to offer. Eventually, I began to post questions and got a lot of help that way. More recently, I began responding to other’s posts whenever I had something substantive to offer.
Then, one day, I started noticing the number of posts that others had listed under their avatar and the Most Active Users column. So, I increased my posts to include some less than substantive responses in order to get a Post Ranking. Apparently, Post Rank starts at 128, then increases to 64, then 32, etc. Finally, one day, and only one day, I decided to become the Most Active User that day, and failed since others had the same objective in mind. My total posts that day were relatively astronomical.
Why do I bring this up? Is it petty jealousy that others who have been on the forum only a year or two have thousands of posts to their credit ? Maybe, but the real reason that I think that the Trains Forums should stop counting the number of posts is th
If I open a thread and find something to which I can add an intelligent, comment, I post my comment.
If I see a thread title that tells me it relates to something in which I have an interest, I’ll open it and take a look.
If I see a thread title that is mysterious, I’ll open it just far enough to see what the OP really has in mind.
If I open a thread and find that it’s just another rehash of same-old, same-old, I quietly close it and go elsewhere.
If I see a thread title that is completely outside of my area of interest, that thread remains unopened.
If somebody wants to count up the posts of a rather experienced railfan-modeler, or a rank newbie, all they have to do is call up that person’s profile (by clicking on the screen name) and posts (link found in the individual’s profile.) The count is right there.
It is sometimes useful to know that someone who has:
Asked a rank newbie question.
Posted an advertisement.
Dragged something out of the depths of the archives.
Engaged in troll-like behavior.
…is actually new to the Forums, and needs either instruction or moderator action. That person’s membership date and post count provide a ready reference.
Do I keep track of my own count? Or those of the people ‘ahead’ of me? Or those who might be catching up? I have more important uses for my time, like trimming my toenails, or sleeping.
Besides, Kalpubco might want to know just who’s using these forums, and how much. As a former statistician, I can relate to that.
I was happy to see the stars go, and I wouldn’t mind seeing the post count go as well. They are sometimes distractions to those who feel that one’s post count must be an indication of the poster’s experience, knowledge base, expertise, ability to express him/herself well, perhaps some entitlement or ownership/seniority…and they forget to think critically of what the person actually offers. Yes, indeed, some post often, some hardly at all, some post wonderful and useful comments, and some hardly at all. And there is only a very modest correlation between the number of posts and the overall utility or value of what they post.
So, I would be happy to see all that chaff slip off the page entirely. There are other problems, too. In my view, a person with the grey silhouette avatar may just not have any interest in having one there, or the person may be unsure of the purpose or how to access the function in the first place. It doesn’t follow that he/she is not fully conversant with just about all the hobby has to offer.
I amassed a whopping number of posts in just three or four years, although I think my pace is less than half of what it was back in 2007/8. I have always been a keener who rushes headlong into something that interests me, and that pace was merely a reflection of the predilection. [(-D]
As a moderator, my count also reflects a lot of posts communicating with my fellow mods in the RA forum, and of course with our staff bosses who ask us questions about a complaint they have received or about forum admin matters when they would like our input.
We should understand perhaps, as well, that some people are not working for any number of reasons, or they may work at a desk at home where they can take frequent ‘me’ breaks and they choose to use the time to catch up with their favourite hobby. Many are retired and practically live at their computers. I am largely in that category. I do exercise regularly, though, cycling
I agree with Rich - it is apparent that there are some people posting just to build up their count. If that behavior stops getting rewarded maybe people will just comment on their areas of interest or expertise. On the other hand, I suppose the count is an incentive for some people to log in and comment because they get rewarded. Maybe that’s not all bad.
Sounds good. That is the way it is supposed to work.
[quote user=“richhotrain”]
Then, one day, I started noticing the number of posts that others had listed under their avatar and the Most Active Users column. So, I increased my posts to include some less than substantive responses in order to get a Post Ranking. Apparently, Post Rank starts at 128, then increases to 64, then 32, etc. Finally, one day, and only one day, I decided to become the Most Active User that day, and failed since others had the same objective in mind. My total posts that day were relatively astronomical.
I have been on forums that have eliminated the Post Count, but that did not eliminate the “Me too”, “I agree” and “Hey, that’s great!” type of replies. And I don’t think those kinds of replies are all that bad, either, as they encourage postings that have value (ego stroking for the original post).
Post Counts do give some indication of a person’s presence on the forum. Low counts say they are either very new or have not had much to say, high counts indicate they are engaged in the forum. Reading their posts gives an indication of the value of their engagement, low or high.
If the Post Count encourages you to blather on, then you will quickly become known as a blatherer and obviously it will be a fitting title. But I don’t really see very many Blatherers on this forum.
I still have the stars saved on my hard drive, so should I ever want to feel like the good ol’ days…
I admit that I have tried to up my post count once or twice, once attempting (successfully, mind you) to be the top poster for the day, but even then I’ve tried to add something to each discussion I posted in. I do the same now and I expect that very few people strive to have a large post count now.
I played that game elsewhere, it got old fast and took a lot of dedication, you had to visit even on days you would rather not and search for things you could involve yourself in.
…My interest of being a member on this forum has to do with the interest in railroading in general…and that has been an interest of mine for decades and decades…Yes, many decades. An “old head” fan…
What’s the big issue of getting rid of posting counts…Seems silly. it’s been there long term, being part of the layout thru many iterations of this forum structure. Why is it bothering some…?? It simply is a counter, nothing more.
Personally, I do not get on here to “add up posts”…That’s silly. I’m on here because I see something of interest, or simply share an opinion or something I believed was interesting. Or perhaps thank someone that has shared something of interest to me, etc…
Of course {in my case}, the posts have added up, but that is simply a fact of the length of time I’ve been on here…with the interest listed above.
[2c] Should I be keeping track of the number of posts I do. I see something interesting . When I’ve time & access many time I’ll throw my 2 cents worth out there. Some times it is an area where I have a little expertise or I have time to kill and look up the answer for someone. (Last week someone was asking about Interbox connectors on containers. )
Sometimes I see something that just plain irritates me. (Some of the grand statements about truck drivers)
A lot of times it is just out of boredom when I’ve nothing else to do.
By the by I do want to thank Kalmbach for having the forums. I do enjoy.
I’m with you, member since 2001 and just over 1200 posts. I really think in many cases, people aren’t trying to increase their posts, they simply have found a good way to communicate their ideas and thoughts.