I received my income tax refund today and went to the LHS to look around(after taking my wife out to breakfast,of course).I bought 2 engines for my son(an Athearn SD50 and a Proto 2000 GP38-2)and a set of Walthers Hoppers,all C&NW.A MRC powerpack to use to test track current and models as we build the layout before setting up the Digitrax system that I also bought.And some Atlas code 83 track supplies to be able to play around with the trains until we’re ready to begin layout construction.
I have 4 sections of 4 foot long benchwork lined up to set track up on temporarily.I test run both engines and they are very good.
So now we have trains running in the house again.Life is Good!
Have a good one.
Great to hear!! I just have done the same thing after an 8 year hiatus!!
Actually have over 35 feet of main down right now with 75% of the benchwork done.
Should have 104 feet of main line when complete. I’m from the old school so I still like code 100 rail, besides, I have over 35 old turnouts that are still very usable. All brass and code 100. Boy… I’m gonna get some flack for that I bet!!![:D][:D][:D][:D][:D]
nelsonb that’s cool!Whatever you have handy to use to get something going at least.It’s been 3 years since we’ve had a layout in this house.I’ve dabbled here and there with different scales until finally deciding that I wasn’t getting anywhere.So back to HO and get moving on layout construction as soon as the basement walls are insulated and the floor carpeted.I’m going to make a couple trips to some hobby shops in the general area and buy some more supplies during the next couple of weeks.
Have a good one.