Trains made for Sears & Roebuck by Happy Time Toys

I have acquired a Happy Time Train Set made for Sears # 05944. 05945 seems to be the same set made in 1951. My set was supposedly made in the 40s. Can anyone verify that. And the motor is shot any ideas where I can find a motor?

Thank you, Rick S

Wrong Forum. Go to ‘Classic Toy Trains’… you will get answers there.

I found a set #79N09544 in the 1951 wishbook. The 05945 was an upgraded version of the same set. “Happi-Time” trains were made by Marx by the way.

Here’s a great site for Sears Wishbooks:


Best to visit the Classic Toy Trains and/or O Gauge Railroading site for the information you are seeking.

Thank you very much. Any idea where I can get a motor for this model?

Rick S

Rick, you really need to go to the “Classic Toy Trains” Forum, it’s easy to find, just click on the “ sites” up at the top of this website, it’ll take you right there.

Since your “Happy Times” train was built by Marx a Marx motor should work. There’s plenty of “Marxists” on the CTT Forum who can point you in the right direction to find one.


and of course, the Classic Toy Trains forum:


Gasp! Becky’s a Marxist!

Well, admittedly I’m a bit of a Marxist myself, but it goes in this direction…

Yes, I’m a Marxist!

The 1940 produced motion picture Marx Brothers Go West was a parady on westerns and the train scenes were shot on the Sierra Railroad. THIS is Marxism at it’s very best!

The Marx Brothers “Go West” railsequence is hysterical! There’s a video clip on You Tube of the rail segment but there’s no dialog, so I didn’t bother to link it.