Check out the pix of the UPRR train in the Cajon pass in that months edition. Now check out my web site look under California Aug-Sept 2005 then go to Cajon pass for 09/03/05 & look at the pix of the BNSF train created at 8:07:12 & you will see it is the exactly the same pix as the Trains Magzine pix except the UPRR train is on the other track. 2 years & 2 months later or more & nothing changed there.
Yes thanks there is one like it also at Caliente I think they store MW equipment on it. Also at the other end of the overview the tracks make a sharp turn so that area may also produce good shots. I found this place on my way back to Barstow so I am hoping to get back there early next year to spend more time there. [:o)][:o)]