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Trains News Wire EXCLUSIVE: Amtrak Illinois pet program expanded, extended
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Trains News Wire EXCLUSIVE: Amtrak Illinois pet program expanded, extended
In what way does reporting and repeating a news release from AMTRAK make a story ‘EXCLUSIVE’?
In much of Europe, a dog and a child ticket are the same at the same price. However, I wonder about my allergy to cats the next time I ride to Chicago.
So they can’t take the pet to the Café, but they have to stay with it. They are going to have some hungry passengers!
Is a Saluki a breed of dog? Just joking. People bring their pets on trains all the time in Great Britain and Europe. In Finland dogs must travel in 2nd class smoking cars.
I for one am glad that dogs and their owners must be kept in one designated car. As someone who has been afraid of dogs his entire life, knowing that I have the option to NOT ride in the doggy car would be the only thing that makes me OK with this.
Paul, are you afraid of some little pipsqueak ball of fur in a carrier?