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Trains News Wire EXCLUSIVE: Central Pennsylvania coal branches see traffic shift to other sources
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Trains News Wire EXCLUSIVE: Central Pennsylvania coal branches see traffic shift to other sources
Another battle in the war on coal. West Virginia and now Pennsylvania. Then Ohio, Illinois and Kentucky. Eventually even Powder River coal will be too dirty for these loons in Washington. Better buy stock in candle companies rather than coal or railroad companies.
Do you believe global warming and the pollution caused by coal is a fact? If you do, there still needs to be an exception for West Virginia, Kentucky, and parts of Pennsylvania for long-term, not short-term, compliance. Don’t blame Obama - he is doing what is right long-term.
Well I hope most people like higher utility bills. Funny thing is when the hard winters come along and these clean natural gasses and the wind is blowing to hard for wind energy then who do they turn to, the coal plants. But there is going to be a day when the coal plants won’t have any coal to help us.
It is a disaster what the Obama administration is doing to t g e coal industry.
Keith Wiggard; Just what part about cheaper (and cleaner) natural gas do you not understand? The price of coal and natural gas is not set by the POTUS, but by the supply economics.
The Obama voters are in for a very rude awakening.
Wood fuel and whale oil had viable replacements.
Those renewable energy sources that don’t even have raw material costs are not profitable without tax payer subsidies and guaranteed higher electricity rates. Don’t talk about the free market when there is a democrat administration intentionally killing all fossil fuels as a source of power.
Wood fuel, whale oil, and now coal passes on…and so it goes regardless of opinions one way or the other.
Keep the tracks in place. Hopefully, we will once again have people in the White House with real world experience.
I understand concerns and comments on both sides of the coal issue. I feel the long goal should be preserving the planet for our children’s children; it won’t have a huge health effect on anyone living today. I understand that some people cannot afford other types of fuel, but many just complain about the higher costs of cleaner fuel even though it will be better for their later health. I wonder how many mining families in the past stood proud that their dad died from black lung disease and wanted that fate for their children? Do the ads that show a coal miner’s blackened face really make you feel that we need to preserve this job for these hard working people? After all, when people talk about having a job with really bad working conditions they will say, “It’s like working in a coal mine.” I am sure many of them would have chosen other jobs if they were available and paid similar wages, but they do what they must in spite of their personal welfare to make their families a better one.
I am for people being able to choose their own destiny; but not at the expense of mine, my children, and their children. But that is what’s happening when we continue to support actions that are detrimental to everyone in the future. There are those that believe climate change is a hoax simply because the weather over their head does not reflect what they hear about the “globe.” They are the ones that say the weatherman got it wrong again because it didn’t rain over their head even though the rest of the county is under water. These same people will believe the opinions from some newscasters and politicians who have no idea what they are talking about; but discard facts from scientists thinking it is only opinion. So why do these people take their car to a mechanic and not a barber when something is wrong? It’s because that concept they can understand. When it’s an area people do not understand they tend to believe people who think like they do rather than be open minded enough to want to know what the truth actually is. Educ
Not enough Natural gas is produced in the country to meet the demand of all our needs. As seen last year 1 severe cold snap and we are done. Obama and The epa goon Gina McCarthy are clueless. There’s not enough energy sources being built to replace the coal fired power plants. Power bills we be going way up. Electrical brown outs and black outs could start as soon as this winter thanks to Obamas failed policies
Not enough Natural gas is produced in the country to meet the demand of all our needs. As seen last year 1 severe cold snap and we are done. Obama and The epa goon Gina McCarthy are clueless. There’s not enough energy sources being built to replace the coal fired power plants. Power bills we be going way up. Electrical brown outs and black outs could start as soon as this winter thanks to Obamas failed policies
I read yesterday in the Wall Street Journal that these mines are suffering due to imports from Columbia. It’s cheaper to bring a shipload of 50,000 tons to a plant adjacent to the shoreline than moving it from West Virginia.
I read yesterday in the Wall Street Journal that these mines are suffering due to imports from Columbia. It’s cheaper to bring a shipload of 50,000 tons to a plant adjacent to the shoreline than moving it from West Virginia.
Wood fuel and whale oil were replaced when cheaper and more convenient alternatives (anthracite coal & kerosene) were available, not because of government edict. When (or rather if) wind and solar without subsidies become cheaper than alternative means of energy, then everyone will embrace them. By the way, wood is still used to heat homes by quite a few folks around here.
I though the powder river basin coal was a cleaner coal then the high sulfur coal in the east coast . It seem they are removing a lot of coal from the powder river basin and going east from there ( all directions actually). I don’t think this really a political move by government but a environmental movement for cleaner air for the people in general.
As usual, people crawl out of the woodwork to blame everything on the “gubmint”. Fact is, it is cheaper to import coal from Colombia than to mine it in high-cost deep mines in Appalachia.
Of course, I suppose we could reduce the cost of domestic coal by doing away with all those burdensome safety regulations that keep miners alive!
Do we really want windmills cluttering every inch of land? Seriously thats way worse that the coal plant we never see or for all practical matters are never affected by with modern day pollution controls.