Trains News Wire EXCLUSIVE: County files for eviction against Fillmore & Western

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Trains News Wire EXCLUSIVE: County files for eviction against Fillmore & Western

Filmore & Western may get to utilize the line through 2021 before this mess makes its way through the court system.

“Generic political remarks” please stifle.
To lose the F&W, which in SP days was a part of the original SP Coast route, and for the F&E people employed and the movie-making tool, Oh woe…woe…Pogo…Walt Kelley.
And, Norton, a wife of Honeymooners Ralph Cramden, died…MacRae…Sheila…

two things…I was RFE for that branch, and my father was a double, tho’ never employed as one, for Jacky Gleason.

One more ride, way out there.

I agree that the pursuit of our railroading interest should be free of politics. However, in some instances its hard to avoid. Especially, when it comes to taking perfectly good rail lines and turning these into trails.

Its harder to avoid politics when government wants to break contracts with private enterprise! Read about the Catskill Mountain RR. This is an amazing story about volunteers doing amazing things in returning a revenue generating railroad to a region long void of one. Their reward?..Deny FEMA funds, break an agreement, park a city dump truck on the tracks and scheme to rip rails up.

I enjoy all of you guys. But please…debate me. Don’t ask to silence me!

The Minnesota (Blue State) liberal complains to silence those who speak out against the state! Typical.

This apparently only happens in “blue” states where big government trumps private enterprise. Same thing is happening in New York where the successful Catskill Mountain RR is under attack.

Sounds like the kind of stuff that happens in a 3rd-world sh**hole, not the U.S. where we supposedly have the rule of law.

Jim’s off his meds again, he thought this was CNN’s political page.

I’m getting pretty tired of these generic political remarks in what should be a railroad hobbyist forum. Knock it off or take it somewhere else.

Sounds like Darren Kettle is in bed with the “Rails to trails” people. Oh, he claims ripping up the rails to put in a recreational trail is not the intent, Bullshit!

Fillmore and Western can just ship all their equipment out of state along with the rest of runaway production from Hollywood. None of the feature films are filmed here any longer, and now 60% of television shows have left town. Maybe set up in Louisiana or Georgia.

Something isn’t adding up here. I bet the county rips the rails out immediately and puts in a bike trail to satisfy some yuppy agenda.