Trains News Wire EXCLUSIVE: 'Empire Builder' canceled between St. Paul and Minot

Rode # 7 EB on May 26-27 from Chicago to Minot. We were only 30 min down just outside of St Paul and then sat for 45 min. Left STP 1:30 down. Losing time along the way we were just east of Minot when we were put on another siding. There was a freight derailment just east of Minot the night before. Track was repaired but trains backed up in both directions. Imagine my surprise when # 8 passed us at 2:30 PM—is that 19 hrs late? We got to Minot just before 3 PM. I did not mind being late, in fact, enjoyed it. I ride for pleasure and got an extra 5 hrs on the EB.

Yeah, sorry that these passenger trains are getting in the way of them stabilizing their physical plant for FOUR FREAKING DAYS allowing the safe passage of trains afterwards. You’d swear Amtrak just had all their employees laid off and their assets liquidated by reading some of these overly dramatic comments.

To those who think the railroad is under paid to operate Amtrak trains, that may be, but they are suppose to have a legal obligation to do just that. If the BNSF does not like what the law provides, then work to change the law. Until then, operate the Empire Builder in a reasonable manner. The railroad is failing in it obligation, but Amtrak is remise in its responsibility to hold the BNSF railroad’s feet to the fire. Don’t forget, this is the same outfit that let 500 passengers become stranded in snow drifts in northern Illinois is past winter. I am personal tired of apologists for what is becoming a farcical operations of this railroad. Furthermore, was not the schedule just lengthened to avoid such delays? The train should be terminated at Minneapolis until this mess is cleared up. I think the Empire Builder could become the next Southwest Chief. The same railroad is wrecking ridership on this train. It needs to be stopped.

Why doesn’t Amtrak just build their own right of way ?? After all, they’re so profitable. Either that or why not just have our government borrow another billion dollars from China to pay for it. Long distance Amtrak travel is a loser in this country. They should cut their losses and upgrade their service in area’s that are profitable.