Trains News Wire EXCLUSIVE: Short line escapes the worst of California wildfire

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Trains News Wire EXCLUSIVE: Short line escapes the worst of California wildfire

An aerial map shows a lot of burn east of the junction with CORP. The fire crossed the Amtrak line, and it probably crossed Highway 97 as well. The downtown area of Weed was evacuated, but not burned. Weed’s urban damage was mostly east of the sawmill with 150 structures destroyed.

I’m not sure if this was the cause but the Starlight number 11 yesterday was over 8 hours late coming into San Luis Obispo. it showed arriving in Klamath Falls practically on time but getting to Dusmuir almost 7 hours late.

The fire must have came close to the Black Butte where the interchange for the Central Oregon & Pacific is. That’s a good possibility #11 was delayed on account of the fire.

Fire burned over industrial tracks in the area of the sawmill, and Highway 97 on the north side of the mill, but did not come close to the UP mainline…Amtrak should not have been affected, as the fire did not burn over the Amtrak line as one of the comments suggested.