Trains News Wire EXCLUSIVE: Start-up car builder aims at tank car market

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Trains News Wire EXCLUSIVE: Start-up car builder aims at tank car market

The more the merrier! Maybe Japanese Rail Builders and Steel Companies should get involved! Could be a good business opportunity. They could assemble the cars in existing facilities like Nippon Sharyo in Illinois or Kawasaki in Yonkers.

Dan is a stand-up guy with long-time rail experience. I hope this new venture goes well.

A pox upon thee, Mr. Turon. American company, American labor and American materials. There is enough Jap junk out there without adding more. “Buy American, Build American, Ship by rail”.

Paint these cars something other then black to create a unique identity for this new company in an otherwise sea of black!

SDO, second that comment. Wooster might exist in Ohio…

Pretty sure that should be Worcester, MA. There is no town called Wooster.

The ‘proofreaders’ all went home early. DPM rotates! What is the ‘CPC 1232’ tank car standard? BTW, I notice Trinity Industries (TILX) tank cars in a black-on-white (skunk) paint scheme. Quite attractive, for an oil can. They have anti-puncture end shields. Is the ‘skunk’ motif indicative of higher-strength cars? Will it be an industry standard?

Last I heard Yonkers and Illinois are in the US. And last I heard Mexico is in North America.

Trudo: correctomundo, methinks. My 1970 National Geographic “Atlas of the World” lists the only’ Wooster’ as being in Ohio.

Interesting!, I figured Bombardier would get involved… This could help the New England economy

Actually, most of the money will remain in the U.S. The only money going to Japan would be whatever profit, if any, comes from the business. Regardless, I’m glad to see Americans being put to work.

I like Mr. Bigda comment on using only US labor and US materials in manufacturing new hoppers and boxcars. It is about time someone thought of the American economy and worker.

Mr Narita. Not trying to speak for Mr. Caramella. But I believe he meant the corp. Yes, it would be US labor and materials, but it would still be Japanese owned. The bulk of the bucks would go to Japan.

Wow!! I thought Comments were for train related matters. Some of these comments need editing out!!!

Looks like Wooster was corrected to Worcester. The former is the way the latter is pronounced.

Isn’t this the same old picture just used in another topic?

Will the Worcester location be producing tank cars? Where in Worcester?

Does anybody have any idea what these (and similar) tank cars cost?