Trains News Wire EXCLUSIVE: Tacoma Rail acquires two SD70ACe-P4s

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Trains News Wire EXCLUSIVE: Tacoma Rail acquires two SD70ACe-P4s

Lowell, did you read the article? They aren’t C-Cs.

Thanks Dedrick

Great engine, but why is EMD styling GE type windshields? I think the crooked corner windshields look better, EMD should keep those crooked corners, Its EMD all the way, I guess playing catch up means look like the competitor.

Man! These are some ugly locomotives.

Almost looks like a GE locomotive by the front

Mr Reid : It was a matter of inventory for the Class I Railroad customers.

According to some BNSF engineers 4 motor C-C engines don`t do well on heavy grades. So what were they thinking if they have 3% gradrs?

“Crooked corner” windshields also mean more expensive to replace windshields.

This should help get those big trains up that 3% “Tacoma gulch” hill…Also, it’s too bad that Tacoma Rail doesn’t fix that big washout just north of Morton, so that big r.r.tie plant can return to rail shipments.

Sorry, I should have said B1-1B. However, the BNSF.engineers were commenting on their locomotives which have 4 motors and. 6 axles which is the same setup and should have the same problems on 3% grades.

It’s actually a different set up than the C4s. The center axle on the C4s are the unpowered ones. But, yes. The C4s suck when starting a train, especially up a grade.

It’s actually a different set up than the C4s. The center axle on the C4s are the unpowered ones. But, yes. The C4s suck when starting a train, especially up a grade.

The way the nose is painted makes it look like a GE, when in reality, if you look closer, the familiar flat-topped EMD nose is there - it’s just covered in red paint that hides it, along with the angle and lighting.