Trainwatching at Dolton, IL

I thought I’d drop a quick note to let y’all know that the IHB cops have stepped up their presence at Dolton in the past couple of weeks. For those who are not familiar with the site, the best viewing place is on the IHB property to the southeast of the diamond. I was there a week ago yesterday, watching with a two guys who were there when I arrived. The had been approached by a cop before I got there and two others showed after. They were pleasant to us and didn’t run us off (although one said he was supposed to) but they asked to see ID and wrote our particulars on 3X5 cards they had. I went back yesterday and encountered another IHB cop. Same story. Anyway, the point is: be extra careful not to do anything that will change things for the worse, there! Its a great place to watch from with lots of traffic all day long, including a bottle train from some steel company in Indiana to Acme Steel in Riverdale. I’m crossing my fingers that they don’t actually start running people off.

BTW, other parts of the crossing belong to CSX and I understand that their cops do run people off so stay away from their property.

I have a question too about those 3X5 cards. Apparently, the cops turn these cards in at the end of the shift. I’m looking for a job as a conductor right now. Does anyone know if these cards could come back to haunt me when I interview for jobs?

Be safe!


I believe those 3x5 cards you are talking about are called F.I.Cards or Field Interview Cards. Those cards like you said are filed away at the end of the officers shift. They are used mainly to show an officers acitivity. They are mainly used as a resource in case an officer would need information on someone they had contact with. As far as I know there is no record of FI Cards available to an employer. Especially from railroad police, since most people don’t even know that such a thing exsists. I hope this helps.


Thanks Keith! I’m releaved to here that!

I may be missing something here but explain why the best viewing spot at Dolton Tower is on IHB property? There is a city park just to the east of the southeast wye at Dolton which is public and not private property. There also seems to be numerous locations around Dolton for pictures and videos that would not require one to be on IHB, CSX or UP property. Again, little common sense seems to be in order when railfaning. Stay off railroad property and there is no worry of being “run off” by the gumshoes.

Not condoning it, but an explanation of why:

The wye is the one “safe” point there from which operations on all railroads can be observed closely. I haven’t been there in a while, but this park must be across the street from the town hall, hence not close at all to the UP.

I, too, would be very disappointed if we lost this spot. The last time I was there, we parked near the town hall, and walked across the wye to the place where we used to park (and where people set up their lawn chairs, tripods, etc.). I wasn’t hassled, but this was over a year ago.

Yes, the park is across from the town hall. You are also correct that this location makes viewing the UP difficult but not impossible. Dolton is a very busy location were one is able to see trains from CN, IHB, CSX and UP. It would be very disappointing to lose it becuase of the thoughtless few who seem to be part of any group.

This place could be a great location for a rail park like the one in Rochelle. Maybe somehow the IHB and the village of Dolton could get together to do something like that. They could fence in the middle of the area to keep people from getting too close to the tracks and install some picnic tables. There’s a small hill in the that has become overgrown with weeds that could be removed to give the park more space and improve the view to the south. They could charge a small admission fee.

I have watched from the park on the nortwest corner mentioned above and will probably use that in the future but the view isn’t as good and I also don’t know where the park property stops. Since that’s on the CSX side (I think), that is a real minus. I really don’t want to deal with CSX cops after what I’ve heard.

Be safe!

I thought I’d drop a quick note to let y’all know that the IHB cops have stepped up their presence at Dolton in the past couple of weeks. For those who are not familiar with the site, the best viewing place is on the IHB property to the southeast of the diamond. I was there a week ago yesterday, watching with a two guys who were there when I arrived. The had been approached by a cop before I got there and two others showed after. They were pleasant to us and didn’t run us off (although one said he was supposed to) but they asked to see ID and wrote our particulars on 3X5 cards they had. I went back yesterday and encountered another IHB cop. Same story. Anyway, the point is: be extra careful not to do anything that will change things for the worse, there! Its a great place to watch from with lots of traffic all day long, including a bottle train from some steel company in Indiana to Acme Steel in Riverdale. I’m crossing my fingers that they don’t actually start running people off.

BTW, other parts of the crossing belong to CSX and I understand that their cops do run people off so stay away from their property.

I have a question too about those 3X5 cards. Apparently, the cops turn these cards in at the end of the shift. I’m looking for a job as a conductor right now. Does anyone know if these cards could come back to haunt me when I interview for jobs?

Be safe!


I believe those 3x5 cards you are talking about are called F.I.Cards or Field Interview Cards. Those cards like you said are filed away at the end of the officers shift. They are used mainly to show an officers acitivity. They are mainly used as a resource in case an officer would need information on someone they had contact with. As far as I know there is no record of FI Cards available to an employer. Especially from railroad police, since most people don’t even know that such a thing exsists. I hope this helps.


Thanks Keith! I’m releaved to here that!

I may be missing something here but explain why the best viewing spot at Dolton Tower is on IHB property? There is a city park just to the east of the southeast wye at Dolton which is public and not private property. There also seems to be numerous locations around Dolton for pictures and videos that would not require one to be on IHB, CSX or UP property. Again, little common sense seems to be in order when railfaning. Stay off railroad property and there is no worry of being “run off” by the gumshoes.

Not condoning it, but an explanation of why:

The wye is the one “safe” point there from which operations on all railroads can be observed closely. I haven’t been there in a while, but this park must be across the street from the town hall, hence not close at all to the UP.

I, too, would be very disappointed if we lost this spot. The last time I was there, we parked near the town hall, and walked across the wye to the place where we used to park (and where people set up their lawn chairs, tripods, etc.). I wasn’t hassled, but this was over a year ago.

Yes, the park is across from the town hall. You are also correct that this location makes viewing the UP difficult but not impossible. Dolton is a very busy location were one is able to see trains from CN, IHB, CSX and UP. It would be very disappointing to lose it becuase of the thoughtless few who seem to be part of any group.

This place could be a great location for a rail park like the one in Rochelle. Maybe somehow the IHB and the village of Dolton could get together to do something like that. They could fence in the middle of the area to keep people from getting too close to the tracks and install some picnic tables. There’s a small hill in the that has become overgrown with weeds that could be removed to give the park more space and improve the view to the south. They could charge a small admission fee.

I have watched from the park on the nortwest corner mentioned above and will probably use that in the future but the view isn’t as good and I also don’t know where the park property stops. Since that’s on the CSX side (I think), that is a real minus. I really don’t want to deal with CSX cops after what I’ve heard.

Be safe!