I just completed my benchwork and need some advice on a transition concern. I have a relatively small layout (8’x6’) with 3 sides having backdrop. Due to other existing furniture concerns one of the 6’sides is a lot shorter than the other two .The backdrops will be primarily mountains, forest, and sky. Any suggestions on how to smoothly transition the short side to the long side while still maintaining a forced perspective? Thanks very much for your help.
Any chance of posting a picture or two as this may help get a better perspective?
If I understand you correctly your trying to make the layout look bigger than it is. If this is the case you can use N scale bulidings in the background and up in the hills, just don’t mix N scale buildings with HO trains running right beside them. Kalmbach has published one or two layout plan books that discuss “forced perspective”.
Thanks for your reply. Actually my concern was how to incorporate the short side (lower) backdrop with the long side (higher) backdrop. There’s a difference of about 8" but I have no alternative as far as raising the shorter side. I haven’t affixed the backdrop yet but I do have the masonite installed and ready to go. The two short sides are 6’ the long side is 8’ and the front is open. The backdrop encloses three sides, two are the same height, one is shorter. I hope this is clear. If not please let me know. Thanks again.
Ok If I’m visualizing this correctly, there’s a height differential between two of the sides. This something I’m facing. and what I’m contemplating is to round high side down towards the low side and paint a large billowing Cumulus cloud to fit the curvature down or multiple curves. This way the top of the cloud matches the colour of the ceiling, if you have white ceilings, and then shading and adding definition to the lower part of the cloud.
Hope I’m in the same ball park!