Transparent Track Monitor


I keep seeing screen shots where the track monitor or other pop-up aids have been rendered transparent (like the engine data you get with the f5 key.)

Can anyone tell me how to do this? The opaque pop-ups are annoying.

Thanks for any advice you can give.


Yes. You can download a free thingy dealy like that at . Click on Microsoft Train Simulator on the left menu of their main page. Then the next screen on the right menus click on File Library. Then on the next screen login or register for free to login. Here’s where it gets a little tricky. Since they’re a busy site you may get a message: “All nodes are currently busy. Please try again later.” Very annoying. You’ll just have to keep trying, come back later, or actually pay to get instant access. It’s all about bandwidth, I guess. I always thought bandwidth was how many seats the school band takes up at the high school football games.

Anyway, in preparation for your long wait getting in or downloading, may I suggest having a good book handy? Most especially if you have a dial-up modem. I recommend The Encyclopedia of Trains and Locomotives. Read it cover to cover one day while waiting to get access and then during a download. All the way from Locomotion No.1 0-4-0 to Transrapid Magnetic Levitation Trains, the glossary, indexes, appendixes and even the picture credits. 17 days, 28 hours, 67 minutes, and 91 seconds. Gave me some good ideas on what kinds of locos I might want in my simulator.

Once you gain access to look for the transparent track monitor I think it was under a ‘utilities’ category. Cannot remember. Been a while since I’ve browsed the site. Couldn’t get in there today. Besides, I have overdue library book fines to pay. They cost more now than a membership to .

Good luck.