Trap Doors??

I am thinking about putting a trap door in each end section of my layout. The width(4’) of each section makes it difficult to reach the far corners of my layout. I was thinking about cutting a section of about 24" X 24" in the plywood and then cutting the 1 1/2" foam on an extreme angle so as not to leave to big a gap that has to be hidden. Also I was thinking about putting one end on hinges. Any suggestions would really help. This would be only used for laying track, and early scenery. Then probably closed off. I think I am on the right track but would like to hear from others that have done similar on their layouts.


BigB, try using a piano hinge the screws are short and the hinges are durable.

Use a small inexpensive barrel bolt to keep closed when needed. If tracksd are close by these areas you might want to leave them accessable for layout cleaning and derailments. Hope this helps I’ll check back.

I put hardboard attached to risers for a service hole and made it so the service hole is like a gigantic crater.

(hardboard for plaster mold support

I have 3 trap doors in my multilevel lay out. I cut the plywood hole smaller than the foam, then cut the foam on a bevel. I blended the openings by making a lake and using the shoreline for the foam seam, and park for the other. all scenery is glued to the lift out piece. by keeping the lift out door light i can push it up and sit it on the layout. I find it is needed for derailments and cleaning.