Hi All On Saturday, my family started a cross country trip, and I am here to chronicle the entire trip. Right now, our plan is to leave Las Vegas, head back to Utah, join up with my father and sister, head south to Arizona, New Mexico, send dad on a plane home, take the southern route to Florida, do the atlantic states, and head home on the Louis and Clark route. Anyway on a more local level, I have the rest of today and part of tomorrow in LV. Some things I will be doing in these journals are: telling you of every minor train related event, and a few non train events. On that subject, we are staying in the Palazzo. Several things we have done are we have seen a small 1918 0-6-0 UP tank that was based out of Omaha Nebraska, followed track of the UP Park City Branch, and seen another small branch in a corner of Arizona [along I-15 any idea what it is?] One non train thing we plan to do tonight is to go see KA [ KÁ not K. A. ] at the MGM Grand. We have seen it before and I would recommend it to anyone in town. One thing I would like to ask: does anybody know of any train related stuff to do in LV or on I-15 from LV to Provo Utah? A good Hobby shop? A train Museum? A Model Railroad? Thanks until nextime.
The GREEN type is really hard to read.
How about this?
as already stated in other threads and posts, you do not need to “highlight” your writing to get read and answered. For some of us, it is only more difficult to read and thus may not be taken serious… [V]
HUH? ? ? ? ?
I frequently get confused in this forum but you have outpaced all others who have passed before!
Hey IVRW,I don’t suppose yer headed up near ELY,NV. There’s a heck of a good train museum and operating steam there. Only trouble is its way out in the middle of nowhere. Thats all I know and I’m not too sure about that. BILL
reklein: I think I Will be on the last leg of the trip.