Tripple deckers?

You most probably are not approaching sixty eight years of age with legs suffering from a reaction to ZOCOR either; I’m like the midget married to the Amazon and that’s as far as I can go with it. When the lower lever is at eye level my upper level is going to be in the clouds; one level at a time thank you!!!

No, you got me there. I’m in my mid 40’s and quite flexible, despite my love handles.

I’ve been thinking real hard! I’ve come up with an idea. I’m not to sure it’s plausible. It’s more an idea then an actual plan so please. No name calling OK? [:D]

Basically my idea is a version of a mushroom and a multideck. At the lowest level, 80 cm of the base floor, then the next 120, then 160 and then the last 200cm of the base floor.

Now, the lowest would only be accessible from the right side and the top one would only be accessible from the left side. This very detailed plan in the picture depicts the peninsula. On the left side the floor would be 40 cm higher. That way the lowest shelf and the highest shelf would be at the same level. On the sides along the walls there would be no 200 cm shelf to the right and no 80 cm shelf to the left.

The advantage that I see is that I could make the top and bottom penninsuala very wide. One of them, the top could have the passenger station, the bottom could have the ships and just a lot of water behind them to increase the depth of the scene.

Is this just to stupid to work? I know it’s kind of weird but it’s an interesting and probably unprobable thing to do but I would like some feed back.
