Tropical Storm Fay is here

Could have been worse…at least you didnt end up with your bridges floating to Cuba.

That’s some pretty major damage. Take some of them trains you’re havin trouble gittin warranteed and make a run…be sure to take video.[:-^] Seriously though, glad it wasn’t any worse.

5:30 PM Thursday and it’s blow’in and rain’in as hard as ever, But we need to get goin on these repairs so trains can get moving as soon as it clears.

So it’s time to Hustle soom Muscle out here, an try to shore up these pillings and drop in a new bridge ASAP…

Toad… the fish all went deep FAST, and swam for their lives, some have already been transfered to safer waters.

Yeah Vic and GearDriven, it could’a been worse, but the other day the ball was set to red and all trains were stopped, all in anticipation of a scenario just as we have here, and no lives were lost…

So now the work needs to proceed…

Hopefully this thing will move on soon an let us get to work…but first we gonnna need a BIG pump…

Byron C.

He probably harpooned them for emergency rations.

Well we may finally get rid of this thing by late this afternoon.

I"m Glad, but not for those who had to deal with it, that this thing went all around us, and didn’t just sit on top of us here and dump over 24 inches of rain…

We can rebuild…

Byron C.

Good to see ya made it![oX)] I watched the news and thought it maybe worse. That storm still looks huge. I hope you get running and have the sun shine bright on those dashes!!! Joe

Now here’s your problem!

Your maintenance crew is running away, instead of reporting for duty at the damaged track and bridge sites. You might want to consider tossing out those black and red behemoths and getting a group of coal burners as they generate more loyalty to the company. Then your maintenance crews could take pride in their work instead of running away. Seriously: just glad to hear you are doing OK and not floating down the street like some of your landscape.

Man Triggy…ROFLMAO [(-D]

It is not shrimp dip! It’s goldfish dip… [:D]


You did a flip flop on the picture T., no wonder it LOOKS like they’s runn’in away, they infact is just gett’in there, an by the way, that’s Glacier GREEN and OMAHA Orange.

Great Northern Colors The “Empire II Line”

Byron C.


I know my trifocals need adjusting, but that does not cause a color shift. Check your camera to make sure it is not translating colors. My wife said to tell you to get a color chart, this time with word names of the colors. Stay well my friend. Glad to see that even though you are all wet soaked, you still have a sense of humor.

Even with concrete ties they should have used concrete roadbed.

great photo Vic.

Hey theSUNHas Finally returned…

But it looks like another one is lurking out there on the horizon…

Byron C.


All the news channels out here are reporting that there have been gators roaming the streets. Hope that is nothing more than hype, and that they are not invading your area. They also say you are in for a couple more days of downfall. Keep the Red and Black behemoths out of harms way.

Well it’s raining and thundering again now, feeder bands stilllllll…

And yes Tom, there are gators in the flood waters along the St Johns river as well as other large run-off ponds in the areas that got flooded along the east coast and all, none here though, cause we didn’t see the flooding that was seen in areas to the east and north of us, YES those RED and BLACK Behemoths are always in the Wing ready for service…

Along with a couple of these Guys too you know #2035 & #2042

Byron C.

I like this pic of yours better.

By the way what lashup did you have pulling this one?

If memory serves me right, I believe that was Mallet #2035 on that consist…of about 45 cars.

Byron C.

Say Vic, where’d this happen and When ??

Byron C.

The original source didnt say where or when but given that the track crossties are concrete it had to be near some urban center, I’m almost 99% sure this was a washout back in '05 when we got record rainfall out west.

Why not just read the blog? You can find such grand masterpieces as:


How does one locate the blog? You ask. Simple, open the photo, right click and select properties. Copy the location, and past into another window or tab, backspace out the actual file name, and then hit the enter button. The entire blog will be there. Now, you ask what is Vic doing reading someone else’s blog, well seems as though there are lots of motorcycles, and lovely young ladies posted there.


You sick reading puppy, spyn on people!!! [:D][}:)]

Here go look at this and it might get you more SS money.

Ole Toad [C):-)]